Complete JavaScript Course + Notes for Beginners in Hindi
जावास्क्रिप्ट कोर्स और नोट्स क्या है?
जावास्क्रिप्ट एक प्रोग्रामिंग भाषा है जो वेब डेवलपमेंट में प्रयोग की जाती है। यह वेबसाइटों को इंटरैक्टिव बनाने के लिए उपयोग की जाती है और इसके बिना वेबसाइटों में अनेक कार्य नहीं किए जा सकते। यह भाषा आसानी से सीखी जा सकती है और नए लर्नर्स के लिए यहां उपलब्ध कोर्स और नोट्स हैं।
कोर्स की क्या विशेषता हैं?
- पूर्ण रूप से हिंदी भाषा में प्रदान किया गया है
- शुरुआत से लेकर उच्च स्तर की जानकारी दी गई है
- प्रैक्टिकल उदाहरणों के साथ सीखने का मौका मिलता है
- मुफ्त नोट्स भी प्रदान किए गए हैं
कौन सी विषय सिखाए जाते हैं?
यह कोर्स शुरुआती स्तर से लेकर उच्च स्तर तक की जानकारी प्रदान करता है। नीचे कुछ विषयों का उल्लेख किया गया है:
- वेरिएबल्स और डेटा टाइप्स
- फंक्शन्स और ऑब्जेक्ट्स
- कंडीशनल और लूपिंग स्टेटमेंट्स
- जावास्क्रिप्ट के विभिन्न मेथड्स और प्रोपर्टीज
नोट्स कैसे प्राप्त करें?
नोट्स कोर्स के साथ ही प्रदान किए जाते हैं। आप इन्हें वेबसाइट से डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं और अपने स्टडी के लिए उपयोग कर सकते हैं।
Course Page. :
Slides :
00:00:00 Intro and Setups
|-Chapter 1 Data Types
* 00:07:55 1.1 Adding Javascript
* 00:12:11 1.2 Variables
* 00:16:10 1.3 Data Types
* 00:20:40 1.4 Strings
* 00:25:19 1.5 String Methods
* 00:36:39 1.6 Numbers
* 00:41:40 1.7 Loose Equality Vs Strict Equality
* 00:44:14 1.8 Type Conversion
* 00:48:12 1.9 Arrays
* 00:55:35 1.10 Boolean Values And Comparison Operators
* 00:58:34 Revision
|-Chapter 2 Control Flow
* 01:12:49 2.1 For Loop
* 01:18:56 2.2 While Loop
* 01:25:20 2.3 Do While Loop
* 01:27:00 2.4 if / else if / else
* 01:32:26 2.5 nested if statement
* 01:34:37 2.6 Break And Continue
* 01:39:09 2.7 Logical Operators
* 01:45:21 2.8 Variable and Block Scope
* 01:49:22 2.9 Ternary operator
* 01:53:52 2.10 Switch statement
* 01:56:26 Revision
|-Chapter 3 Functions
* 02:03:26 3.1 function and function expression
* 02:07:22 3.2 function parameters and arguments
* 02:11:29 3.3 Return statement
* 02:15:58 3.4 Arrow Function
* 02:19:05 3.5 Higher Order Function – Callbacks
* 02:23:13 3.6 Higher Order Function – Returning functions
* 02:27:31 3.7 IIFE
* 02:29:19 3.8 setTimeOut And setInterval
* 02:35:02 3.9 Hoisting
* 02:37:50 Revision
|-Chapter 4 Objects
* 02:45:01 4.1 Object Introduction
* 02:53:56 4.2 Function Vs methods
* 02:56:57 4.3 “this” keyword
* 03:02:41 4.4 forEach Method
* 03:05:08 4.5 Objects inside Array
* 03:08:20 4.6 Math Object
* 03:12:15 4.7 Call, apply and bind
* 03:26:27 4.8 Pass by value and pass by reference
* 03:30:58 4.9 for-in loop
* 03:33:16 4.9 Chapter 4 Revision
|-Chapter 5 DOM
* 03:42:02 5.1 DOM Introduction
* 03:46:08 5.2 Query Selector
* 03:51:43 5.3 Other Ways to access Elements
* 03:56:58 5.4 innerText Vs innerHTML
* 04:02:26 5.5 Getting And Setting the Attribute
* 04:06:10 5.6 Adding the style
* 04:08:10 5.7 Add, Remove And Replace Class
* 04:10:50 5.8 Parent Children and Sibling
* 04:17:31 5.9 Event Basics
* 04:26:31 5.10 Creating And Removing Element
* 04:29:18 5.11 Bubbling And Delegation
* 04:35:42 5.12 More Events
|-Chapter 6 DOM – Forms
* 04:39:35 6.1 Submit Event
* 04:46:35 6.2 Regular Expression
* 04:55:19 6.3 Basic Form Validation
* 04:59:16 6.4 Keyboard Event
* 05:04:10 Revision
|-Chapter 7 Array Methods
* 05:12:44 7.0 Array Methods
* 05:17:52 7.1 slice
* 05:20:31 7.2 splice
* 05:24:42 7.3 at
* 05:28:35 7.4 Map
* 05:32:08 7.5 Filter
* 05:35:24 7.6 Reduce
* 05:38:36 7.7 find
* 05:41:32 7.8 findIndex
* 05:44:36 7.9 some and every
* 05:49:24 7.10 flat Method
* 05:53:59 7.11 flatMap Method
* 05:59:25 7.12 Sorting arrays
* 06:06:44 7.13 Chaining of methods
* 06:09:21 Revision
|-Chapter 8 Date
* 06:18:43 8.1 Date And Time
* 06:24:37 8.2 Date And Time Methods
* 06:28:14 8.3 Digital Clock
|-Chapter 9 LocalStorage
* 06:31:47 9.1 Local Storage intro
* 06:34:01 9.2 Set and Get items
* 06:38:11 9.3 Deleting Items
* 06:39:34 9.4 Store Complex data
|-Chapter 10 OOP
* 06:44:42 10.1 Constructor and NEW operator
* 06:51:30 10.2 Prototypes
* 06:56:13 10.3 Prototypical inheritance
* 07:02:18 10.4 ES6 Classes
* 07:08:28 10.5 setters and getters
* 07:14:27 10.6 static methods
* 07:18:13 10.7 Class Inheritance
* 07:23:37 10.8 Inheritance by Prototypes
* 07:30:16 10.9 Chaining of methods
* 07:33:05 Revision
|-Chapter 11 Async JS
* 07:41:41 11.1 Async Code
* 07:44:41 11.2 XML Http Request
* 07:50:16 11.3 Status code
* 07:52:46 11.4 Call back Function
* 08:00:34 11.5 Extracting JSON data
* 08:04:01 11.6 Callback hell
* 08:09:10 11.7 Basics of Promise
* 08:16:48 11.8 Chaining of promise
* 08:20:06 11.9 Fetch API
* 08:22:53 11.10 Async Await
* 08:26:39 11.11 Custom Errors
* 08:29:13 11.12 Async Await without return statement
* 08:32:16 11.13 Error Handling using try catch method
* 08:36:10 Revision
|-Chapter 12 ES6
* 08:44:03 12.1 Array De-structuring
* 08:52:45 12.2 Object De-structuring
* 09:02:09 12.3 Spread Operator
* 09:07:59 12.4 Rest Operator
* 09:11:39 12.5 Short Circuiting
* 09:16:26 12.6 Nullish coalescing operator
* 09:18:22 12.7 for-of loop
* 09:22:15 12.8 Enhanced Object Literals-shortcuts
* 09:26:13 12.9 Optional Chaining
* 09:31:37 12.10 Looping Objects
* 09:36:22 12.11 Sets
* 09:40:32 12.12 Map Intro And Map Iteration
* 09:44:53 Revision
|-Chapter 13 Modern Tooling
* 09:54:46 13.1 Importing and Exporting ES6 Modules
* 10:06:32 13.2 Top level await ES2022
* 10:10:17 13.3 Module pattern
* 10:14:17 13.4 Intro to NPM
|-Chapter 14 Advance Concepts
* 10:19:56 14.1 Closures
how to download source code
Amazing 😍😍❤❤❤
Nice Video
I have discovered your channel just a month ago , and seriously I gain much more confidence on JavaScript then before. Sir You are a great teacher❤❤Your every video really a masterpiece . Thank you so much sir. Please upload content on live small React project.
Currently I am learning React. Paid courses also have no compare to your content,100% True solid knowledge. "Agar koi aeisa banda bhi aapka video dekh liya ekbar,jisko kuch knowledge hi nhi hai, vo bhi 3 months mei ek front end developer ban sakta hai"
great teacher ! great content ! this channel really deserve Millions of views.
You are the GOAT sir . Your teaching style is perfect. This is the best Javascript course even better than paid ones. Thanks a ton for your valuable content sir🙏
your teaching is very nice bro
Just started this course
if (result !== null)
Amazing gazab bhaiya
by mistek loop chal gya tha sir leptop blast kr gya sari glti aap ki hai😂
can you provide all the code you wrote on vs code
I complete the mern e-commerce site project
Now I need to explore more in web can you make the video for next path because I am in 2nd year in BCA I have all of more time. I have some ideas about what to do next. I just need your advice please post something related to that
And thanks for all your content
It is difficult to find a teacher who can explain and teach so well. "great teacher" 👍🏻
Awesome video finally the search for best video ended
Using hindi
Perfect explanation
Very clear
No words for you sir
Revise function 2:37:00
Assignment 1…Question 1.9 and 1.10 i need solution and explanation..