
⚡️ Vite – Comprehensive Guide to a Modern JavaScript Bundler

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Introduction to Vite

Vite is a modern JavaScript bundler that is designed to be fast and efficient. It leverages native ESM (ES Module) imports to achieve instant cold server start, instant hot module replacement (HMR) during development, and optimized fast builds for production. Vite is powered by Rollup and is the official recommended development setup for Vue.js 3 and other modern web projects.

In this tutorial, we will cover the basics of getting started with Vite, creating a new project, adding dependencies, configuring plugins, and optimizing performance. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a solid foundation to work with Vite and take full advantage of its features.


Before we begin, make sure you have Node.js and npm installed on your machine. You can download and install Node.js from the official website https://nodejs.org/. Once you have Node.js installed, you can verify the installation by running the following commands in your terminal:

node --version
npm --version

If the commands output the version numbers of Node.js and npm, you are ready to proceed with the tutorial.

Setting up a New Vite Project

To create a new Vite project, you can use the following command in your terminal:

npm init @vitejs/app my-vite-project --template vue

Replace my-vite-project with the name of your project. In this example, we are creating a Vue.js project using the vue template. Vite provides templates for different frameworks like React, Preact, Vanilla, and more.

After running the command, you will be prompted to select a template and provide additional information about your project. Once the project is created, navigate to the project directory using the cd command:

cd my-vite-project

Installing Dependencies

Next, you need to install the project dependencies. Vite uses npm to manage dependencies, so you can install them by running the following command in your terminal:

npm install

This command will download and install all the dependencies required for your project, including Vite itself.

Running the Development Server

To start the development server, run the following command in your terminal:

npm run dev

This command will start the Vite development server and open your project in the default web browser. You can now make changes to your project files, and Vite will automatically reload the changes in the browser using hot module replacement (HMR).

Building for Production

To build your project for production, run the following command in your terminal:

npm run build

This command will generate optimized production-ready assets in the dist directory of your project.

Configuring Vite

Vite allows you to configure your project through a vite.config.js file in the root of your project. You can customize various aspects of your project, such as plugins, server settings, build options, and more.

Here is an example of a simple vite.config.js file:

// vite.config.js

export default {
  // Custom configurations
  plugins: [],
  server: {
    port: 3000,
  build: {
    outDir: 'dist',

In this example, we are customizing the server port to 3000 and setting the output directory for the build to dist. You can add more configurations based on your project requirements.

Optimizing Performance

Vite is known for its fast build times and efficient development experience. To further optimize the performance of your project, you can take advantage of features like code splitting, tree shaking, and webpack optimizations.

Code Splitting: Splitting your code into smaller chunks can help reduce the initial load time of your application. Vite supports code splitting out of the box, allowing you to dynamically load modules when needed.

Tree Shaking: Vite uses Rollup under the hood, which has excellent tree shaking capabilities. Tree shaking removes dead code from your project, resulting in smaller bundle sizes and faster load times.

Production Build Optimizations: When building your project for production, Vite applies various optimizations like minification, compression, and code splitting to generate efficient and optimized output.


In this tutorial, we covered the basics of getting started with Vite, creating a new project, adding dependencies, configuring plugins, and optimizing performance. Vite is a powerful JavaScript bundler that offers fast development server, instant hot module replacement, and optimized production builds. By following this tutorial, you should have a solid understanding of Vite and be ready to build modern web applications with ease.

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2 hours ago
2 hours ago

The way this guy speaks is the most boring way possible! And confusing, at the same time! It's like someone is trying to hypnotize you. It is extremely hard to follow. Why can't you speak like normal people? I'm not talking about the accent, but the pauses between words are all in the wrong places. Who speaks like that?

2 hours ago

awsome course very advanced topics and important one so it will make you super without using any framework just with vanilla js

2 hours ago

If you release a new series or a second part of this course, I would be thrilled to watch it. Your explanations are clear, and your teaching style is fantastic. If you continue the series, it would be great to see more focus on topics like vite.config.js settings, library mode, output configurations, and developing a library of components, utils and a whole design system with best practices. I'm looking forward to see it!

2 hours ago

I love your text cursor, mind share the custom?

2 hours ago

i desperately need subtitles

2 hours ago

That is a remarkable way to teach Vite! Thank you

2 hours ago

Excellent video. Thank you for sharing.

2 hours ago

Its great resource for learning vite in depth. thanks for creating this amazing video.

2 hours ago

excellent !!!

2 hours ago

О, у тебя и англо канал есть. Круто

2 hours ago

Hello, I'm trying to configure Vite to be multi apps and I don't want the src folder either! node_modules, will be for all projects and not that a specific app has its own package.json files, otherwise package.json will be adopted for all apps, but imagine that I have a structure like this







shared/ to share resources, components, functions in common for all apps



I need node_modules to be for all projects

the app1 project will run on port 3000, app2 on port 3001

I even had to configure workspace to work, but I can do it

work how could I do this configuration

2 hours ago

Do you know how to use browser sync with this? I want to set up to use it on my local network to test on different devices in my house such as phone, iPad, browsers etc. in webpack I can do it using my clumpier to host it on local network

2 hours ago

Awesome video!
What tools do you use to create your video content? Your IDE and browser are super clean, I'm curious on how you do that 🙂

2 hours ago

Thanks you so much for this, question if i want use remote Handlebars template, how can i replace the default html ?

2 hours ago

Very hard to follow after 3 minutes ( i am beginner)

2 hours ago

02:38:50 Here, we parse and export stringified records, but on the client side, we receive an array of records instead of stringified ones. How did this happen?

2 hours ago

Thank you so much

2 hours ago

Bro I love your tutorials,
Big sub! ❤

2 hours ago

Very detailed and helpful. Thanks!

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