文字化け問題を解決!Kivyアプリで日本語を正しく表示する方法【Python】(kivy-ios, buildozer)

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In this tutorial, we will discuss how to display Japanese text in a Kivy app on iOS using buildozer.

First, let’s talk about the issue of "mojibake" or "文字化け" which is the term used when text becomes gibberish or unreadable due to encoding issues. This is a common problem when working with Japanese text on different platforms or systems.

To display Japanese text correctly in a Kivy app on iOS, we need to make sure that the text is properly encoded and decoded. We also need to set the correct font for displaying Japanese characters.

Here are the steps to display Japanese text in a Kivy app on iOS:

Step 1: Install Kivy and buildozer
Before we begin, make sure you have Kivy and buildozer installed on your system. You can install Kivy using pip:

pip install kivy

And install buildozer using pip as well:

pip install buildozer

Step 2: Create a Kivy app
Create a new directory for your Kivy app and create a new main.py file in that directory. You can use any text editor of your choice to create the file.

Step 3: Customize your Kivy app
In the main.py file, you can customize your Kivy app by adding widgets and setting up the user interface. To display Japanese text, make sure to set the font to a font that supports Japanese characters. You can use the following code snippet to set the font:

from kivy.core.text import LabelBase


Replace ‘path/to/custom_font.ttf’ with the path to your custom font file that supports Japanese characters.

Step 4: Display Japanese text
Now you can add Japanese text to your Kivy app using the Label widget. Make sure to encode the text properly using utf-8 encoding. Here’s an example code snippet:

from kivy.app import App
from kivy.uix.label import Label

class MyApp(App):
    def build(self):
        return Label(text=u'こんにちは、世界', font_name='CUSTOM_FONT', font_size='20sp')


Replace ‘こんにちは、世界’ with your Japanese text.

Step 5: Build and deploy your app
Now that your Kivy app is ready, you can build it for iOS using buildozer. Run the following command in your terminal:

buildozer ios debug

This command will create an iOS package for your Kivy app. You can then deploy the app to your iOS device for testing.

That’s it! You have successfully displayed Japanese text in a Kivy app on iOS using buildozer. Feel free to customize your app further and add more features. Happy coding!

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1 month ago

python でAndroidアプリを作りたく、勉強していたところこの動画を拝見しました。
開発環境がラズパイであり、自分だけで使うためなので、携帯とUSB接続してファイル転送。kivy launcher でお手軽に動作させようとしています。

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