🎥 FastAPI Series | Part 3: JWT User Authentication, Login, Signup, and Alembic Migrations

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FastAPI Series | Part 3

FastAPI Series | Part 3: JWT User Authentication, Login, Signup, and Migrations with Alembic

Welcome to Part 3 of our FastAPI Series! In this installment, we will be focusing on JWT user authentication, login, signup, and migrations with Alembic. FastAPI is a modern, fast web framework for building APIs with Python 3.7+.

User Authentication

With FastAPI, implementing user authentication is straightforward and secure. We will be using JSON Web Tokens (JWT) to handle user authentication. JWT is an open standard (RFC 7519) that defines a compact and self-contained way for securely transmitting information between parties as a JSON object. In our application, JWT will be utilized to authenticate and authorize users.

Login and Signup

Users will be able to create an account by signing up with their email and a password. We will then securely store these credentials using hashing techniques to ensure their privacy and security. Once signed up, users can then log in using their email and password. Upon successful login, a JWT token will be generated and returned to the client, which can then be used to access protected routes.

Alembic Migrations

For managing database schema changes over time, we will be using Alembic, a database migration tool for SQLAlchemy. Alembic allows us to create and apply migrations that can modify the database schema in a safe and consistent manner. This will be essential for ensuring our application’s data integrity as it evolves over time.


In this article, we have outlined the key components of our upcoming FastAPI project. We will be covering the implementation of user authentication, login, signup, and utilizing Alembic for managing database migrations. Stay tuned for the next part of our series where we dive into the implementation details of these features!

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6 months ago

it is not a good practice to put business logic inside model. Here `generate_token` is kept inside `User` model, clearly should be into separate business logic!

6 months ago

can we use settings = get_settings(). to set section options without using envconfig() ?

6 months ago

Hey, fellow dev bro. You got yourself a new subscriber.

6 months ago

Can you please add forgotten password functionality. That is a wonderful series.

6 months ago

Is there a part 4 coming? for the blog API routes and also the bit for ensuring that users are only allowed to perform authenticated actions only?

6 months ago

OOOOOH BOY. MEGA THANK YOU. Буду на русском, так проще выплеснуть эмоции) Ты так обрадовался в конце, когда баги пофиксил, я прямо с тобой радовался, ибо наконец получилос ьсобрать этот логи логаут чортов. Спасибо огромное мужик)