🔥 Combining Weights & Biases with PyTorch

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Weights & Biases is a powerful tool for tracking and visualizing machine learning experiments, and integrating it with PyTorch can provide valuable insights into your model’s performance. In this tutorial, we will walk through the steps to integrate Weights & Biases with PyTorch for tracking your model training progress.

Step 1: Install the Weights & Biases library

The first step is to install the Weights & Biases library. You can do this by running the following command in your terminal:

pip install wandb

Step 2: Sign up for a Weights & Biases account

Before you can start using Weights & Biases, you need to sign up for an account on their website (https://www.wandb.com/). Once you have created an account, you will be able to access your API key which is necessary for authenticating your experiments.

Step 3: Initialize Weights & Biases in your PyTorch script

To start tracking your PyTorch experiments with Weights & Biases, you need to initialize it in your script. This can be done by importing the library and calling the wandb.init() function at the beginning of your script. Make sure to pass your API key and project name as arguments to the wandb.init() function.

import wandb

# Initialize Weights & Biases
wandb.init(project='your-project-name', entity='your-username')

Step 4: Log metrics during training

Once you have initialized Weights & Biases in your script, you can start logging metrics during training. This can be done by calling the wandb.log() function at the end of each training iteration, passing in the metrics you want to track as key-value pairs.

Here’s an example of logging the loss and accuracy during training:

for epoch in range(num_epochs):
    for batch_idx, (data, target) in enumerate(train_loader):
        # Train your model
        loss, accuracy = train(model, data, target)

        # Log metrics
        wandb.log({'loss': loss, 'accuracy': accuracy})

Step 5: Visualize results on the Weights & Biases dashboard

Once you have logged your metrics during training, you can visualize the results on the Weights & Biases dashboard. Simply go to the project page on the Weights & Biases website, and you will be able to see the metrics you logged during training displayed in various charts and graphs.

That’s it! You have successfully integrated Weights & Biases with PyTorch for tracking and visualizing your machine learning experiments. This can help you monitor the performance of your models, compare different experiments, and make informed decisions about your model training. Happy experimenting!

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5 days ago

My NN is not learning even thought I have the optimize step in my def train(model, config). Does someone have the same problem?

5 days ago

Americans are so imprecise in their vocabulary. I understand you're trying to make the explanations more palatable but I personally prefer someone being more calm, collected and precise in their vocabulary and choice of sentences. Many academicians may prefer this. Besides that, thanks for the video.

5 days ago

i don't understand what "log_freq=10" mean? Does it mean log the parameters every 10 epochs or batchs or steps?

5 days ago

Great knight rider reference "Evil charles with a goatee"

5 days ago

i have problem with connection in wandb wandb: Network error (ConnectionError), entering retry loop. windows 10 how to resolve this issue ?

5 days ago


5 days ago

Great video and walk-through, I really like how you explain the details and steps Charlies

5 days ago

"Evil Charles with false metrics" lmao

5 days ago

Are these clips Deep Learning articles?

5 days ago

the gradients are numerated like modex x1.x2 what do x1.x2 refer to?

5 days ago


5 days ago

how does one achieve high disk utilization in pytorch? large batch size and num workers?

5 days ago

what happens if we don't do .join() or .finish()? e.g. there is a bug in the middle it crashes…what will wandb do? will the wandb process be closed on its own?

5 days ago

now I can track the gradients without a hassle? no additional get gradients functions…nice!

5 days ago

amazing! gpu utilization? That is so useful now I can increase the batch size so much more easily without having issues with nvidia-smi…etc etc!

5 days ago

How do things change if I am using DDP? (e.g. distributed training and a bunch of different processes are running? Do I only log with one process? That is what I usually do)

5 days ago

how to count number of classes in each image

5 days ago

Awesome work, thanks for sharing!

5 days ago

Great tutorial, Charles, thanks for sharing!

5 days ago


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