🚨 Trump supporters receive the news they’ve been fearing

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In recent news, Trump allies have received the news that they have been dreading. After a long and contentious battle over the 2020 presidential election, it seems that the tide may be turning against former President Donald Trump and his supporters.

The latest blow to Trump allies comes in the form of the ongoing investigation by the House select committee looking into the events of January 6th, when a violent mob of Trump supporters stormed the Capitol building in an attempt to overturn the results of the election. The committee has been gathering evidence and interviewing witnesses, and it seems that they are getting closer to uncovering the truth about what really happened on that fateful day.

With each passing day, the walls seem to be closing in on Trump and his inner circle. Former Trump attorney Michael Cohen has been cooperating with the investigation, and has provided damning testimony about the former president’s involvement in the events leading up to January 6th. Additionally, former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows has been in hot water for his refusal to cooperate with the committee, and may face serious consequences for his actions.

The news that Trump allies have been dreading also extends to the legal troubles facing some of Trump’s closest advisors. Rudy Giuliani, once a trusted confidante of the former president, is facing a mounting legal battle and has been accused of spreading false information about the election. Meanwhile, Trump’s former campaign chairman Paul Manafort has also been in the news recently, as he faces new charges related to his involvement in the 2016 election.

As the investigation into the events of January 6th continues to unfold, it seems increasingly likely that Trump and his allies will face serious consequences. The committee has been working diligently to gather evidence and uncover the truth, and it appears that they are making progress in holding those responsible for the Capitol riot accountable.

For Trump allies, this news is undoubtedly devastating. After years of unwavering loyalty to the former president, they are now facing the very real possibility of legal repercussions for their actions. The unraveling of the events of January 6th has been a hard pill to swallow, and it seems that the consequences may be even more severe than they had initially feared.

In the coming months, we can expect to see more news that Trump allies have been dreading. As the investigation continues and more evidence comes to light, it is likely that additional individuals close to the former president will face legal trouble. The fallout from the events of January 6th is far from over, and it seems that the truth about what really happened on that day will eventually come to light. For Trump allies, the news they have been dreading may only be the beginning of a long and difficult road ahead.

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6 months ago

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6 months ago

Watch fake documents

6 months ago

He is going to be President and u don’t like this

6 months ago

This is a big deal it gives me faith in our governments actions .

6 months ago

How about getting rid of the Electoral College. Can't have fake Electors then.

6 months ago

Praying for Donald J Trump to serve God in the Whitehouse 2024-2028 in the name of Jesus Christ Amen 🙏🙏🙏♥️💞

6 months ago

I'm just asking questions? is conservatism a mental illness? And if it is' what can we do to eradicate it permanently?

6 months ago

Marc I am so grateful for your commitment to fair voting. How can we stop states going back to the "well" on an issue that really was already decided. Would that take a constitutional amendment?

6 months ago

The biden's echo or the marxist's plea chamber

6 months ago

Mark Elias nailed it

6 months ago

I hope we're not done dealing with the fake elector scam. Stealing votes of citizens is outrageous..
No one should think strongman or authoritarian government is a answer the US should adopt. Putin style government isnt the answer.

6 months ago

Republicans are anti-americans.

6 months ago

I'm an Australian…how many other none Americans are truly afraid of a second trump presidency? Are you as disappointed that so many of them are supporting him? I just can't fathom how it got this bad.

6 months ago

Time to hide and blame someone else otra vez

6 months ago

Three years too late.

6 months ago

These guys are full of crap

6 months ago

Thank you Marc & Brian for some GOOD NEWS.


6 months ago

What terrifies me most about the upcoming elections is that Trump's cronies had their hands into the voting machines. And Trump is acting like he has the next election in his hands.
Have they figured out how to manipulate the voting machines?!

6 months ago

And still no “evidence”
Funny how that works, let’s see how “sorry” these traitors are. Imagine if Trump actually won? Just imagine

6 months ago

I'm still hoping that Donald Trump does not recruit Vladimir Putin and those two put our entire world on nuclear notice and threaten a nuclear attack unless they are allowed to rule this planet with no Challenge and pushback