🚨 Viral Trump Warning from Top Attorney You Must See

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In the midst of a tense political climate, a top attorney has gone viral with a must-see warning about former President Donald Trump. Attorney George Conway, husband of former Trump White House counselor Kellyanne Conway, has captured the attention of millions with his impassioned plea for Americans to heed the dangers of Trump’s behavior.

In a recent interview on CNN, Conway urged the public to take Trump’s actions and rhetoric seriously, cautioning that Trump’s behavior could lead to dire consequences for the country. Conway emphasized that Trump’s continued denial of the 2020 election results, along with his incendiary rhetoric, poses a significant threat to democracy and the rule of law.

Conway’s warning comes at a time of heightened tension and division in the United States. Trump’s baseless claims of election fraud and his refusal to accept the results of the 2020 election have fueled conspiracy theories and distrust in the electoral process. His messaging has energized his supporters, leading to ongoing protests and even violence in some cases.

As a respected attorney and political commentator, Conway’s comments carry weight and credibility. His concerns about the potential consequences of Trump’s actions are echoed by many who fear the impact of ongoing political unrest and division in the country.

The viral nature of Conway’s warning speaks to the widespread concern about the future of American democracy. The interview has been widely shared on social media, with many expressing gratitude for Conway’s candid and forceful message.

In addition to his warnings about Trump, Conway has also been a vocal critic of the Republican Party’s continued support for the former president. He has called on Republican leaders to hold Trump accountable for his actions and to prioritize the health and stability of the nation over political expediency.

Conway’s viral warning serves as a stark reminder of the ongoing challenges facing the United States in the aftermath of the 2020 election. It is a call to action for Americans to remain vigilant and to engage in the democratic process with a focus on unity and respect for the rule of law.

As the political landscape continues to evolve, it is clear that voices like George Conway’s will play a crucial role in shaping the national conversation and guiding the public toward a path of healing and progress. His viral warning about Trump serves as a critical reminder of the importance of upholding democratic principles and safeguarding the future of the nation.

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6 months ago

Trump lies all the time, but he also tells the truth. It's a matter of sifting one from the other to understand his real intent. When he said "Dictator on Day One" he was telling the truth about dictatorship while lying about it only being for the first day… Now is the time for US citizens to get serious about keeping democracy.

6 months ago

I hear you Marc! Every word rings hard & true & strikes terror to the core. Trump really IS the EPITOME of the anti-christ! Vote this horror out of existence folks – VOTE BLUE up & down, inside & out!!! 💙🌈😎🌈💙

6 months ago

I am very scare that many people are accepting Trump’s messages like good. We are in grave danger of loosing our democracy if this man is not put in jail. We need to pray that Biden wins.

6 months ago

Thank you for stating facts and staying true to America!!! Vote Blue stay true to America not trump!!!

6 months ago

I think we need to start talking about the FACT that the threat of another Trump presidency does not come from JUST Donald Trump. The danger is who he will surround himself with the "next time around". He will surround himself with other equally (if not more) megalomaniacs that want to destroy our Democracy and turn the presidency into a Dictatorship. They want POWER, and they will work TOGETHER to get it, and ultimately KEEP IT. This is what we need to fear…. not "just" Donald Trump, but everyone else he will give power to in his administration.

6 months ago

These are such scary times. Trump is horrendous but his maga followers are worse.

6 months ago

I pray that new laws have or are in the process of being fixed so this can Never Happen Again!!! Who does that?

6 months ago

He’ll never go to prison. He should. But won’t.

6 months ago

This s*** has been going on with Donald Trump for the last 8 years and we are tired of it somebody needs to do something now

6 months ago

We the people need to stop this insane mentally ill man what is wrong with America why has he still out there running around why is he not been detained where he cannot hurt anyone why are we letting this happen. Donald Trump must be stopped 100%

6 months ago

Lock him up!!

6 months ago

Don't wait until the General Election to stop Trump! Republicans who are not in the thrall of MAGA need to organize and put someone other than Trump on the November ballot. Running away to become an independent does not stop Trump.

6 months ago

He wants to be a dictator for a day so he can terminate the term limit for the presidency. He will then be the president for the rest of his life. He will also enact a law that one of his sons will succeed him and become the next president. He will pardon himself and all the people that kiss up to him from all the crimes they committed. He will also put all the people that he dislikes in prison.

6 months ago

World War 3 will be on the horizon if Russia moves to Europe. Wake up people.

6 months ago

Amendment 14:3 also says “or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.” Why is this not being talked about? trump has said many times he will pardon the insurrectionists. He has said repeatedly how they are not being treated fairly. He is paying their legal fees! trump is without a doubt guilty under this part of amendment 14:3. This needs to be talked about, I believe, even more than his role in J6

6 months ago

Trump said he would suspend the Constitution. That should be enough. Stop thinking "Trump is "just kidding"…because he is not.

6 months ago


6 months ago

Really do appreciate your emotional, well said, well researched passion to GET OUT AND VOTE! Trump will only have a more horrific reign if you don't vote! Yes, he's old and may die but maybe he won't; if he does the person he has for VP will take over and could be even worse. Remember who Trump's heroes are: Putin, Kim Jong Un, Xi Jinping. He loves anyone who has control of the country and can do anything, ANYTHING they want.

6 months ago

Nothing but crickets from gw bush and his brother jeb.

6 months ago

Only in America can you try to overthrow an election be impeached twice have ninety counts against you rape a women and only God knows what else he did and can still run for president what a country. There's still a chance that all prisoners in prison a can still run for Congress and Senate and get elected. Then the laws will change in their favor what a country.