
06. Interactive Memory of Components in Angular, React, Svelte, and Vue – Understanding Reactivity

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Reactivity – Component’s Interactive Memory in Angular, React, Svelte and Vue

Reactivity – Component’s Interactive Memory in Angular, React, Svelte and Vue

Reactivity refers to the ability of components in web frameworks to automatically update when their underlying data changes. This is essential for creating interactive and dynamic user interfaces.


In Angular, reactivity is achieved through the use of Observables and the RxJS library. When data changes, Angular automatically detects the change and updates the component accordingly. This makes it easy to create responsive and interactive components in Angular.


In React, reactivity is achieved through the use of the virtual DOM and the setState method. When the state of a component changes, React automatically re-renders the component to reflect the new state. This allows for seamless updates and interactive user interfaces in React applications.


In Svelte, reactivity is built-in to the framework. When a variable is reassigned, Svelte automatically updates any components that depend on that variable. This makes it easy to create reactive and interactive components in Svelte without needing to write extra code for managing state updates.


In Vue, reactivity is achieved through the use of the Vue reactivity system. When a data property changes, Vue automatically re-renders any components that depend on that property. This makes it easy to create dynamic and interactive components in Vue applications.


Reactivity is a crucial aspect of modern web frameworks, allowing for the creation of interactive and dynamic user interfaces. Whether you are using Angular, React, Svelte or Vue, each framework provides its own mechanisms for achieving reactivity and creating responsive components.