10 – Custom View and JSON Response: Official Django Polls Companion Videos

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Custom View and Json Response | Official Django Polls Companion Videos

Custom View and Json Response

Welcome to the official Django Polls Companion Videos series! In this video, we will be discussing how to create custom views and handle JSON responses in Django.

Custom View

Creating custom views in Django allows developers to have more control over the logic and functionality of their web applications. To create a custom view, first define a function in the views.py file of your Django project. You can then map this function to a URL pattern using the urlpatterns list in the urls.py file.

Json Response

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data interchange format that is commonly used for sending and receiving data between a server and a client. To handle JSON responses in Django, you can use the JsonResponse class provided by the django.http module. This class allows you to easily return JSON data from your views.

Official Django Polls Companion Videos

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