
10 Times Building the Same App: Which JS Framework Reigns Supreme?

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I Built the Same App 10 Times // Which JS Framework is Best?

In the world of web development, JavaScript frameworks have become essential tools for building robust and efficient applications. With a plethora of options available, developers often find themselves pondering – which JS framework is the best? However, rather than simply relying on word-of-mouth or biased opinions, the best way to answer this question is through hands-on experience.

As a curious developer, I decided to embark on a challenge – building the same app ten times, each with a different JavaScript framework. By doing so, I aimed to explore the strengths and weaknesses of each framework, allowing me to make an informed decision about which one was truly the best. Here are the frameworks that made the cut for my experiment:

1. Angular: Developed by Google, Angular is known for its versatility and scalability. It provides a well-structured framework that supports large-scale applications while offering a comprehensive set of tools and features.

2. React: Facebook’s React has gained immense popularity due to its component-based architecture and virtual DOM rendering. This framework excels in building reusable UI components, making it ideal for modern, dynamic web applications.

3. Vue: Vue.js is a progressive framework that prioritizes simplicity and ease of integration. It offers seamless integration with existing projects and requires minimal setup, making it an excellent choice for smaller applications.

4. Ember: Ember.js is a batteries-included framework that takes care of the entire application stack. Its convention over configuration approach provides developers with a structured way to build ambitious web applications, making it a favorite among larger teams.

5. Svelte: Svelte is a compile-time framework that focuses on performance and small bundle sizes. It compiles components into highly efficient JavaScript code, resulting in faster load times and better user experiences.

6. Backbone: Known for its simplicity, Backbone.js provides a lightweight framework that facilitates the organization of code in a clear and concise manner. Its low barrier of entry makes it a great choice for developers new to JavaScript frameworks.

7. Aurelia: Aurelia.js leverages modern JavaScript features to provide a powerful and flexible framework. Its extensive documentation and ease of use make it an attractive choice for developers looking for a robust framework with a gentle learning curve.

8. Meteor: Meteor.js is a full-stack framework that unifies front-end and back-end development. It offers automatic real-time data updates, making it an ideal choice for applications that require collaborative features.

9. Mithril: Mithril.js is a lightweight framework that prioritizes simplicity and minimalism. It provides a small API surface and focuses on performance, making it suitable for projects with tight constraints on size.

10. Preact: Preact is a fast and lightweight alternative to React, offering a similar API and ecosystem. It excels in performance-critical scenarios and is often used in resource-constrained environments.

Throughout my experiment, I built the same app – a simple to-do list manager – ten times, using each of these frameworks. Each framework had its own unique syntax, patterns, and methodologies, which influenced the development process and overall experience.

After completing the challenge, I realized that there is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of which framework is the best. The “best” framework depends on several factors, such as the size and complexity of the project, the team’s familiarity with a specific framework, and the desired performance characteristics.

Angular, React, and Vue emerged as the most popular frameworks, each excelling in different areas. Angular’s robustness and scalability make it a great choice for large-scale enterprise applications. React’s component-based architecture and vast ecosystem make it ideal for building interactive and dynamic user interfaces. Vue’s simplicity and easy integration make it perfect for small to medium-sized applications.

However, other frameworks like Ember, Svelte, Backbone, Aurelia, Meteor, Mithril, and Preact also have their strengths and specific use cases. Ember and Meteor, for example, provide ready-to-use solutions for full-stack development, while Svelte and Preact prioritize performance and smaller bundle sizes.

In conclusion, the choice of the best JavaScript framework ultimately depends on your project’s requirements and your team’s preferences and expertise. Experimenting with multiple frameworks, as I did, allows you to understand their strengths and weaknesses firsthand. So, rather than blindly following the crowd or relying on others’ opinions, take the leap and build the same app multiple times – it will undoubtedly broaden your horizons and lead you to the framework that suits your needs best.

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8 months ago

Vue for the win!!

Jakub Zitnik
8 months ago

I actually love vanilla JS. Yes, JavaScript frameworks are great but I still think that it is not for everything. Vanilla JS is way faster than something like React. Both have their pros and cons.

Eliezer Herrera
8 months ago

Tired of js, htmx for the win

8 months ago

By the time this video was released, ten new js frameworks were created.

8 months ago

Stopped at 6:54… you can also do onsubmit on the form with plain JS. Guess that makes me a "We don't need a framework" guy.

Артёмка Ерцев
8 months ago

thanks for your video best!

8 months ago

Do Qwik next..

yoza wiratama
8 months ago

Honestly I really like mithriljs before I met svelte

8 months ago

I ended up working as a Backend developer and learning more architecture stuff, I hate the front end is not for me, I used to be front but too boring (visuals) for me now, I even love Java but I can't say I can leave behind my JS vanilla and react but as I told before that was the past.

Travel Food and Nature
8 months ago

It means. U know all 10 frameworks🧐🧐🧐🧐

Davlen Swain
8 months ago

react is trash they need to get their library’s situated

Emerson Pereira
8 months ago

"useEffect is hard to look at… any ways this is the declarative UI frameworks gold standard"
That says a lot about the industry. Jeff on point.

The Antarctica Project
8 months ago


8 months ago

pure js is the winner, with less than1 mb size of file, hahaha

8 months ago

smart people will choose nuxt, it is auto load at all

48_Subham Banerjee
8 months ago

Bruh… i use reactjs .. and won't be changing it

8 months ago

VUE WON Hands down. Had everything what had top 2 JS frameworks but code was MUCH MUCH nicer and i guess much faster to run. Anyway C# is the best programming language. and .NET is the best framework.

8 months ago

Javascript is a crap and should neve rbe used to program. it's an ui helper that's it. Now some websites uses 1GB of ram!! just because of stupid billion on javascript codes. SERVRS should do the code and browser get already final html, not JS doing heavy lifting.

Taimo Kolsar
8 months ago

Thank you for confirming my belief that you really don't need any JS framework.

Dev Learn
8 months ago

what do you mean by "state management" ?