
1st Installment of VS Code Tips and Tricks

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VS Code Tips and Tricks Part 1

VS Code Tips and Tricks Part 1

Visual Studio Code is a popular code editor used by developers for writing, editing, and debugging code. It comes with a wide range of features and options to enhance productivity and make coding more efficient. In this article, we will discuss some useful tips and tricks to make the most of VS Code.

1. Keyboard Shortcuts

VS Code comes with a variety of keyboard shortcuts that can save you time and effort. Some commonly used shortcuts include:

  • Ctrl + P – Open file by name
  • Ctrl + ` – Toggle integrated terminal
  • Ctrl + D – Select next occurrence of the current word
  • Ctrl + Shift + L – Select all occurrences of the current word

2. Extensions

VS Code has a rich ecosystem of extensions that can be used to add new features and functionality to the editor. Some popular extensions for web development include:

  • Live Server – Launch a local development server with live reload feature
  • ESLint – Integration with ESLint for JavaScript code linting
  • Prettier – Code formatter for JavaScript, TypeScript, and CSS
  • GitLens – Git integration with advanced features

3. Integrated Terminal

VS Code comes with an integrated terminal that allows you to run command line tools and scripts without leaving the editor. You can open the terminal using the Ctrl + ` shortcut and customize it to your preference by changing the default shell and font settings.

4. Code Snippets

Code snippets are a great way to quickly insert common pieces of code into your files. VS Code comes with a set of built-in snippets and you can also create your own custom snippets for frequently used code patterns.

5. Custom Keybindings

If you prefer using different keyboard shortcuts than the default ones, you can easily customize keybindings in VS Code. This allows you to create your own shortcuts for specific actions and commands.

These are just a few of the many tips and tricks that can help improve your workflow in VS Code. Stay tuned for Part 2, where we will cover more advanced techniques and features.