
2023 Episode 5: Creating a TP Counter App with React Native

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Welcome to the fifth episode of REACT-NATIVE 2023! In this episode, we will be creating a TP Counter app using React Native. For those who are not familiar, TP Counter is a popular app used in various sports such as table tennis, badminton, and volleyball to keep track of the score during a game. Let’s dive into the details of this exciting project.

Project Overview

The TP Counter app will allow users to keep track of the score in a sports game. Users will be able to increase or decrease the score for each team with the tap of a button. The app will also display the current score for each team and allow the user to reset the score at any time. The goal of this project is to create a simple and user-friendly TP Counter app using React Native.

Tools and Technologies

For this project, we will be using React Native, a popular framework for building native mobile applications using JavaScript and React. We will also be using various components and libraries to create a visually appealing and functional TP Counter app. Some of the key tools and technologies we will be using include:

  • React Native
  • Expo
  • React Navigation
  • React Native Elements

Project Goals

Our main goals for this project include:

  1. Creating a simple and intuitive user interface for the TP Counter app
  2. Implementing the logic for increasing, decreasing, and resetting the score for each team
  3. Utilizing React Native components and libraries to enhance the functionality and visual appeal of the app


We are excited to embark on this project and create a functional TP Counter app using React Native. Stay tuned for the next episode of REACT-NATIVE 2023 to see the progress and development of this exciting project. We hope you are as excited as we are to build this app and learn more about React Native along the way.