
2023 Update: Deploying a Nodejs App to Render Made Easy

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How to Deploy Nodejs App to Render

How to Deploy Nodejs App to Render

Node.js is a popular platform for building web applications. Once you have built your Node.js app, you will want to deploy it to a server so that others can access it. In this article, we will discuss how to deploy a Node.js app to Render.

Step 1: Sign up for a Render account

The first step in deploying your Node.js app to Render is to sign up for a Render account. You can do this by visiting the Render website and creating an account. Once you have signed up, you will have access to Render’s platform for deploying and managing your web applications.

Step 2: Create a new web service

Once you have signed up for a Render account, the next step is to create a new web service for your Node.js app. To do this, log in to your Render account and click on the “Add New” button. Then, select “Web Service” from the list of options and configure your web service to run your Node.js app.

Step 3: Configure your Node.js app

After creating a new web service, you will need to configure your Node.js app for deployment to Render. This may involve setting up environment variables, specifying a start command, or customizing other settings based on your app’s requirements. Render provides a user-friendly interface for configuring your web service, making it easy to set up your Node.js app for deployment.

Step 4: Deploy your Node.js app

Once you have configured your Node.js app for deployment, the final step is to deploy it to Render. You can do this by clicking on the “Deploy” button in your Render dashboard. Render will then build and deploy your app, making it accessible to others on the internet. You can monitor the deployment process and view logs to ensure that everything is running smoothly.


Deploying a Node.js app to Render is a straightforward process that can be completed in just a few simple steps. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can quickly and easily deploy your Node.js app to Render and make it accessible to others. Render’s platform provides a hassle-free way to deploy and manage web applications, allowing you to focus on building and improving your app without worrying about the complexities of deployment.

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6 months ago

How do i deploy a full stack project which has both client and server

6 months ago

Com mysql por favor

6 months ago

I did along with your instructions and It successfully deployed. But it is being unsecure on my browser. When i click the deployed app link, it shows not secure beside the link .

6 months ago


6 months ago

please try to make videos using your voice it will be more helpful to us

6 months ago

Thank You so much. I was so frustrated that i was not able to host my project. but you have helped me by this video. Thank You again.

6 months ago

I hosted a Java SpringBoot project Runt Time as Docker. The deployment was successful. But I'm not able to update the website or make any changes. I even deleted my render account, github repo. even I tried with creating new github account. Nothing is working. whenever I deploy my project file, it is hosting my old website only. How to get rid of this problem?