2023’s Top Python GUI Libraries: Pricing, Advantages, Disadvantages, and 5 Factors for Making the Right Choice

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7 Top Python GUI Libraries (2023)

7 Top Python GUI Libraries (2023)

When it comes to building graphical user interfaces (GUIs) in Python, there are plenty of options to choose from. In this article, we’ll take a look at seven popular Python GUI libraries and explore their pricing, pros, cons, and factors to consider when choosing the right one for your project.

1. Tkinter

Price: Free

Pros: Included with Python, simple and easy to use

Cons: Limited in terms of modern UI capabilities

2. PyQT

Price: Commercial license required for some use cases

Pros: Powerful and feature-rich, great for complex applications

Cons: Licensing fees may be a barrier for some users

3. Kivy

Price: Free

Pros: Cross-platform, supports multitouch and gesture interactions

Cons: Steeper learning curve compared to other libraries

4. wxPython

Price: Free

Pros: Native look and feel on different platforms, extensive documentation

Cons: Less modern and visually appealing compared to other options

5. PyGTK

Price: Free

Pros: Easy to use, integrates well with GNOME desktop environment

Cons: Limited support for Windows and macOS

6. PySide

Price: Free

Pros: Officially supported by The Qt Company, easy to integrate with existing Qt applications

Cons: Less comprehensive documentation compared to PyQT

7. Toga

Price: Free

Pros: Cross-platform, modern UI design, and lightweight

Cons: Still in early stages of development, limited community support

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Python GUI Library

  1. Features and Capabilities: Consider the specific requirements of your project and choose a library that offers the features you need.
  2. Platform Compatibility: Ensure that the library supports the platforms you intend to deploy your application on.
  3. Community and Support: Look for libraries with active and helpful communities, as well as comprehensive documentation.
  4. Learning Curve: Consider the learning curve associated with each library, especially if you are new to GUI development.
  5. Licensing and Cost: If your project has budget constraints, consider the pricing and licensing requirements of each library.
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6 months ago

amazing overview, thank you

6 months ago

Loved the breakdown of the different GUIs. The only question I have is what do you mean by complex app? I ask this because I develop GUI apps for my company using Tkinter. I've found I can do what I consider complex designs. For example, frames inside notebooks(tabs) and having tabs inside the frame which links to other frames in different windows. Granted I'm using ttkbootstrap and custometkinter extensions to get this done but as far as I'm concerned it's still all tkinter. I've tried PyQt and didn't like it because it drives you towards GUI Design apps, which in my opinion generates too much junk (unnecessary) code.

6 months ago

Excellent presentation, thank you! Can you please share your opinion about Flet?

6 months ago

Whats up hotty

6 months ago


6 months ago

I will use Streamlit instead of any of these listed if I have to work on python.

6 months ago

Thanks for the informative breakdown!

6 months ago

Very thorough in analysis 👍👏

6 months ago

wxpython FTW

6 months ago

Thank you!

6 months ago

Thanks for the presentation. This helped assure me that my choice for using Kivy was a good one. I'll continue with it. I would also recommend Kivy developers to get into using the Kivy Language if they haven't already which allows you to set up the widgets in ways similar to using CSS rather than doing all the coding in Python alone which of course is an option.

6 months ago

Thank you for the helpful video.

6 months ago

How about accessibily? Which library enables us to build fully accessible applications?

6 months ago

This, is how a good engineer gives you a presentation. Straight to the point, all aspects considered. Thank you!

6 months ago

Hey Hala, 1) Which License do you recommend to develop and sell a proprietary python software? 2) Also, under the MIT license, do I have to share the source code if I am Not releasing my apps for free and selling my app OR monetizing from my app? (note:- I do not want to share the source code). Thanks in advance.

6 months ago

A steep learning curve means you learn fast

6 months ago

I don't understand why guizero is so underrated, it still uses the tkinter module and is great for beginners who just want to create a very basic gui interface. If you want to take it to the next level one can use it with tkinter to make it much more dynamic and modern.
I use guizero btw for just getting used to gui interfaces.

6 months ago

This is a very good one
One should know things like this before diving into GUI in python

6 months ago

Good presentation very accurate information

6 months ago

what about flet gui