2024 AM Coder: Utilizing EXPRESS/EJS for Seamless Data Sharing Between Templates and Frontend JavaScript

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AM Coder – 2024 EXPRESS/EJS sharing data between template and frontend javascript

AM Coder – 2024 EXPRESS/EJS sharing data between template and frontend javascript

When using the EJS templating engine in an Express.js application, it is common to want to share data between the template and the frontend JavaScript code. This is often necessary for rendering dynamic content and handling user interactions.

One way to share data between the template and frontend JavaScript is by using data attributes in the HTML elements. For example, you can add a data attribute to an HTML element in the EJS template and then access that data attribute in the frontend JavaScript code.

    <button id="myButton" data-my-value="">Click me!

      const myButton = document.getElementById('myButton');
      const myValue = myButton.dataset.myValue;

In the above example, the “myValue” variable from the EJS template is passed to the frontend JavaScript code using a data attribute on the button element. This allows the frontend JavaScript code to access the value of “myValue” and use it as needed.

Another way to share data between the template and frontend JavaScript in an Express/EJS application is by using global JavaScript variables. You can define a global JavaScript variable in the EJS template and then access that variable in the frontend JavaScript code.

      const myGlobalValue = ;

In this example, the “myGlobalValue” variable from the EJS template is assigned to a global JavaScript variable, which can then be accessed and used by the frontend JavaScript code.

Overall, there are multiple ways to share data between the EJS template and frontend JavaScript code in an Express application. Whether you choose to use data attributes or global JavaScript variables, it’s important to ensure that the data is being passed securely and efficiently for a seamless user experience.