27th Lecture on Python Programming

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Python Programming Lecture 27

Welcome to Python Programming Lecture 27

In today’s lecture, we will be covering advanced concepts in Python programming. This will include topics such as object-oriented programming, file handling, and error handling.

Object-Oriented Programming

Object-oriented programming is a programming paradigm that allows us to create classes and objects, which can then be used to model real-world entities. In Python, classes are defined using the class keyword, and objects are instances of these classes.

File Handling

File handling is an essential part of programming, as it allows us to read and write data to files. In Python, file handling is done using the open() function, which opens a file in various modes (read, write, append, etc.).

Error Handling

Error handling is crucial in any programming language, as it allows us to handle unexpected errors that may occur during the execution of our program. In Python, error handling is done using try, except, and finally blocks.

By the end of this lecture, you will have a solid understanding of these advanced concepts in Python programming and be able to apply them to your own projects.

Happy coding!

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