
4th Live Coding Stream | Learning Vue.js with TypeScript and Javascript in Laravel

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Live Coding Stream #4 | Vue.js TypeScript/Javascript Laravel

Live Coding Stream #4 | Vue.js TypeScript/Javascript Laravel

About the Stream

Join us for our fourth live coding stream where we will be working with Vue.js, TypeScript/Javascript, and Laravel. In this stream, we will be diving into the world of front-end and back-end development and exploring the capabilities of these technologies.

What to Expect

During the stream, we will be building a simple web application using Vue.js for the front end, TypeScript/Javascript for the logic, and Laravel for the back end. We will cover topics such as component creation, state management, API integration, and more.

When and Where

The live coding stream will take place on [date] at [time] on our Twitch channel. Make sure to tune in to watch us code in real-time and ask questions along the way. Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to learn from experienced developers!

Follow us on Twitch to stay updated on future streams and get notified when we go live. We look forward to seeing you there!