5 | React JS پروجیکٹ میں پروپس (Props) کا استعمال | اردو/ ہندی

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5 Props in React JS Project in Urdu / Hindi

5 Props in React JS Project in Urdu / Hindi

React JS is a popular JavaScript library used for building user interfaces. One of the key features of React is the use of props. Props are used to pass data from one component to another in React JS project. In this article, we will discuss 5 props that you can use in your React JS project in Urdu / Hindi.

1. ‘text’ Prop:

The ‘text’ prop is used to pass text data from one component to another in React JS. You can pass any text data as a prop and then use it in the receiving component.

2. ‘number’ Prop:

The ‘number’ prop is used to pass numerical data from one component to another in React JS. This can be useful for passing IDs, prices, quantities, etc.

3. ‘onClick’ Prop:

The ‘onClick’ prop is used to pass a function that will be called when a certain event (like a button click) occurs in React JS. This prop is commonly used for handling user interactions.

4. ‘style’ Prop:

The ‘style’ prop is used to pass CSS styles from one component to another in React JS. This allows you to customize the appearance of components dynamically.

5. ‘children’ Prop:

The ‘children’ prop is used to pass JSX elements as children to a component in React JS. This can be useful for creating reusable components with dynamic content.

These are just a few examples of props that you can use in your React JS project. By leveraging props, you can create more flexible and dynamic user interfaces.

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18 days ago

Sir no reply
Plzz next lecture uploade

18 days ago

How can we contact I need a mentor to teach me one on one

18 days ago

Assalamualikum sir
Usestate kab Satart hon gab

18 days ago

Thank You Sir But Kia hum Sirf Props hii dalty rehy gy Ka Kia Koi Aur way Nhi Hai Kia. ❤❤❤

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