50 dollars and a bottle of Crown Royal

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“50 Dollars & a Flask of Crown” is a popular drinking game that combines elements of chance and strategy. The goal of the game is to be the last player standing with both your 50 dollars and your flask of Crown Royal whiskey. This game is best played with a group of 4-6 players, though it can accommodate more. Here is a detailed tutorial on how to play:

Materials needed:
– A deck of playing cards
– A flask of Crown Royal whiskey
– $50 in cash (it doesn’t have to be real money, you can use poker chips or any other substitute)

1. Each player starts with $50 in cash and a portion of the flask of Crown Royal whiskey. The amount of whiskey in each flask should be agreed upon by all players before the game starts.

1. To start the game, shuffle the deck of cards and deal one card to each player, face down. The player with the highest card becomes the dealer for the first round.

2. The dealer shuffles the deck and deals three cards face down to each player. Players can look at their cards, but must keep them hidden from other players.

3. The player to the left of the dealer goes first. They can either choose to pass or pay $10 to the pot and take a drink from the flask of Crown Royal whiskey. If they pass, the play moves to the next player in a clockwise direction.

4. The next player can either pass, pay $10 to the pot and take a drink, or raise the bet by adding more money to the pot. Once a player raises the bet, the other players must either match the bet or fold.

5. If a player decides to fold, they must forfeit their $50 and their portion of the flask of whiskey to the pot.

6. Once all players have made their decision, the remaining players reveal their cards. The player with the highest hand wins the pot and gets to keep their $50 and their portion of the flask of whiskey. If there is a tie, the players with the tied hands must play a showdown round to determine the winner.

7. The dealer rotates clockwise, and a new round begins.

8. The game continues until only one player remains with both their $50 and their portion of the flask of whiskey. That player is declared the winner.

– To make the game more interesting, you can add additional rules such as wild cards or special actions for certain card combinations.
– You can also play with different types of alcoholic beverages if Crown Royal whiskey is not your preference.

Overall, “50 Dollars & a Flask of Crown” is a fun and exciting drinking game that combines luck and skill. Remember to drink responsibly and know your limits. Enjoy playing!

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