
7 Effective Strategies for Building a React App

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7 Better Ways to Create a React App

7 Better Ways to Create a React App

Creating a React app can be an exciting and sometimes challenging experience. It’s important to stay up to date with the latest tips and tricks to make the process smoother and more efficient. Here are 7 better ways to create a React app:

  1. Use Create React App: Create React App is a popular tool for creating React applications. It provides a pre-configured, modern build setup for your React projects, allowing you to focus on writing code rather than setting up your build tools.
  2. Choose a Good Folder Structure: Organizing your files and folders in a clear and logical manner is crucial for maintaining a scalable and maintainable codebase. Consider using a structure that separates components, containers, and utilities, and makes it easy to navigate through your project.
  3. Utilize Functional Components: With the introduction of React hooks, functional components have become the preferred way to write React components. They offer a simpler and more concise syntax, and allow you to use hooks to manage state and side effects.
  4. Implement Code Splitting: Code splitting allows you to split your bundle into smaller chunks that can be loaded on demand. This can significantly improve the performance of your app by reducing the initial load time and only loading the code that is necessary for the current view.
  5. Optimize Performance: Consider using performance optimization techniques such as memoization, virtualization, and reducing unnecessary re-renders to ensure that your app runs smoothly and efficiently.
  6. Integrate TypeScript: TypeScript is a powerful tool for catching errors and improving the maintainability of your code. Consider using TypeScript in your React projects to add static typing and better tooling support.
  7. Use a State Management Library: As your app grows, managing state becomes increasingly complex. Consider using a state management library such as Redux or MobX to centralize and organize your application state.

By following these better ways to create a React app, you can improve the development experience and the overall quality of your applications. Keep exploring new techniques and stay up to date with the latest best practices to maximize the potential of your React projects.

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6 months ago

2:39 WHAT? well that explains why when I learned react for the first time the router did not work

6 months ago

There is also an 8th way… Don't use React!

6 months ago

cool video)

6 months ago

I want to make a simple frontend for my admin api using React (university project). What tf should I use? I'm really lost😅

6 months ago

Why do i need all this crap to run a couple libraries… The more i dig into react, the less i like it.

6 months ago

Brian need some help in understanding. I created a website on for example a Wix type platform. I was trying to implement a paypal subscription setup for payment, and it was not working. So I hired someone, and they said it was impossible for the paypal subscription to be done because the Wix type platform was limited and Wix only lets users needs go but so far. The guy i hired recommended he build me a React website and that he would deploy the React website on AWS. Here is the problem, everytime I need something done to the website I have to contact him. And obviously that will cost money for every little thing. I told him its not right that i don't have complete access to the website that i paid him for. He said he would create me a admin login so that i can do things like add products, edit text, add pictures. I told him that works but to setup the admin that I would have full access to the code. He said that is not possible. Is he lying? I mean how can I own my own website but not have access to the full code. What happens if this guy gets hit by a car and dies, what then? How will I be able to get full access to my website? How about if I wanted to hire someone to add a Carousel Slideshow, and the person I hired needed access to the code, If i don't have access to the code, how can the person I hired have access? I feel like i have no control over my website, and if i ever had a serious problem with this guy he could easily remove the website from the web and screw me over. I am sure as you are reading you already have an idea of whats going on and what I need to say to this guy. Help please,

6 months ago

react is stupid af

6 months ago

the gold man you showed in the video is from Pune city and he was Murdered 0:06

6 months ago

Even react dropped cra 😂

6 months ago


6 months ago

What about Vite?

6 months ago

@Fireship is it possible to use python as the backend for a frontend react app? If so I would love a tutorial on it!

6 months ago

thank you

6 months ago

thank you

6 months ago

emberjs has massively improved, it is very intuitiv and easy to learn, there are just barely any jobs for it

6 months ago

Now I love vite thanks Fireship 🙏🙏🙏🙏

6 months ago

So, I shouldn't use CRA to start an ecommerce site?

6 months ago

vite is super but not a good choice for developing large applications

6 months ago

Fireship you are a light in the darkness that is Web dev😍 😂

6 months ago

Web development is such an absolute abomination of fruitfly level frameworks and packages and dog slow scripting hipster languages with hipster names.