7-Hour PyQt5 Full Course: Master Python GUI Programming

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Welcome to this extensive tutorial on PyQt5! In this 7-hour course, we will cover everything you need to know about building GUI applications using PyQt5 in Python. PyQt5 is a powerful library for building desktop applications with Python, and it offers a wide range of tools and widgets to help you create professional-looking applications.

Before we dive into the course, let’s briefly discuss what PyQt5 is and why you should consider using it for your next GUI project. PyQt5 is a set of Python bindings for the Qt application framework, which is widely used for building cross-platform desktop applications. Qt provides a comprehensive set of tools for developing GUI applications, and PyQt5 makes it easy to use these tools from within Python.

In this course, we will cover the following topics:

1. Setting up PyQt5: We will start by installing PyQt5 and familiarizing ourselves with the Qt Designer tool, which we will use to design the user interface of our applications.

2. Creating a simple GUI application: We will build a basic calculator application to introduce you to the key concepts of PyQt5, such as creating widgets, layouts, and event handling.

3. Building more complex layouts: We will explore different layout managers in PyQt5, such as QVBoxLayout, QHBoxLayout, and QGridLayout, to create more complex and responsive user interfaces.

4. Working with widgets: We will cover a wide range of Qt widgets, including buttons, labels, text boxes, checkboxes, radio buttons, and sliders, and show you how to customize their appearance and behavior.

5. Handling user input: We will learn how to handle user input in PyQt5, including validating input, handling events, and responding to user actions.

6. Using signals and slots: We will introduce you to the concept of signals and slots in PyQt5, which is a powerful mechanism for connecting widgets and handling events in a clean and efficient way.

7. Advanced topics: We will cover more advanced topics in PyQt5, such as custom widgets, painting and drawing, drag and drop, and working with databases.

Throughout the course, we will provide hands-on examples and exercises to help you practice and reinforce your learning. By the end of this course, you will have the skills and knowledge to build your own sophisticated GUI applications using PyQt5.

So, let’s get started with our PyQt5 full course! I hope you are as excited as I am to dive into the world of GUI development with Python. Let’s begin our journey together!

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20 days ago

Hi! Do you have tutorials on PyQt QWebEngine for creating a web browser? I'm struggling to understand how downloads work and how to download files using the custom-made browser. Or is it just because most websites especially using Google don't accept unfamiliar browsers?

20 days ago

Hidden "ADD" button keeps reappearing when new rows are added to the PyQt5 table using "Enter Details"

This is the link to my python file : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ePiIq-96F5OjOv_5E5KMHwgnXuI-QAMB/view?usp=sharing

* I want the ADD button to stay hidden even if I add new rows to the table.

Some info abt the code :

i) Table is created in "create_table" function

ii)ADD button in the table is created in "create_button_widgetissued" and "create_button_widgetrecieved" function

iii)New rows and buttons are added to the table in "enter_details" function

iv)Signature dialog box is opened in "open_signature_dialog_issued" and open_signature_dialog_recieved" function. (it uses SignatureDialog class in the botttom of the code)

v) "hiderec" and "hideiss" functions hide the ADD buttons in the table.

vi)Visibility status of buttons is stored in "button_widgets[ ]" list.

I've literally tried eveything. Googled it, used CHATGPT, nothing seems to work. PLEASE HELPPPP

20 days ago

When i setting background-color and color to button. Only background-color is working and color of the text is not getting change. Help

20 days ago

Is it (PYQT5) free to install with pip command for educational purposes

20 days ago

Nice 👍

20 days ago

Neat and clean syllabus which is explained in good way.

20 days ago

buddy great course, but I cannot enroll in the webpage, there is an errorr

20 days ago

hie your website keeps poping this error, i cannot register,—>{"success":false,"data":{"message":"Nonce not matched. Action failed!"}}

20 days ago

Pyqt is not free

20 days ago

how do put some png file into the working directory, such that you can use them in QIcon?

20 days ago

kheyli mamnoon Parwiz babat amoozesh😀🙏

20 days ago

I have a dashboard form with several buttons in a Vertical Layout. In my database i have 3 types of users-Admin, Clerk and Manager. After logging in i would like to enable and disable some of the buttons on the form based on which type of user has logged in. How can i achieve this functionality in the code?

20 days ago

Please enable translation

20 days ago

this is superb content, thanks…. however please the sound has a lot of tststs sound that affects my ear when using an earpiece

20 days ago

At 32.57 you are only changing the color of text what if we want to change the color to icon image .. like we have some transparent svg or png image and on toggle the button the coloe to image also change?

20 days ago

Wao…very comprehensive. thank you so much!

20 days ago


20 days ago

In the second episode once your button bg color changed whereas your text color returning back to blacks, why is this issue?

20 days ago

Amazing tutorial..really helped me a lot…Thank you again brother !!!

20 days ago

Sir Thank You for making these tutorials !

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