7-Hour Python Django Course

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In this tutorial, we will be covering a 7-hour course on Python Django. Django is a high-level web framework written in Python that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. It is widely used for building web applications and offers a lot of built-in features to make development easy and efficient.

Hour 1: Introduction to Django

In the first hour of the course, we will be introducing Django and covering the basics of setting up a Django project. We will install Django using pip and create a new project using the django-admin command. We will also cover the basic project structure and explain the different components of a Django project.

Hour 2: Setting up the Database and Models

In the second hour, we will be setting up the database for our Django project and creating models to represent our data. We will be using Django’s built-in ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) to define our models and create database tables. We will also cover how to run migrations to create and update the database schema based on our models.

Hour 3: Views and Templates

In the third hour, we will be covering views and templates in Django. Views are Python functions that take a web request and return a web response, while templates are HTML files that define the structure of our web pages. We will create views to handle different URLs in our project and use templates to render the HTML content dynamically.

Hour 4: URL Configuration and Routing

In the fourth hour, we will cover URL configuration and routing in Django. We will create a URLconf file to define the URL patterns for our project and map them to the appropriate views. We will also cover how to include other URLconf files and handle URL patterns with parameters.

Hour 5: Forms and Form Handling

In the fifth hour, we will cover forms and form handling in Django. We will create HTML forms using Django’s built-in Form class and handle form submissions using Django’s form processing features. We will also cover how to validate form data and display form errors to the user.

Hour 6: User Authentication and Permissions

In the sixth hour, we will cover user authentication and permissions in Django. We will use Django’s built-in authentication system to register users, log them in, and manage user sessions. We will also cover how to restrict access to certain views based on user permissions.

Hour 7: Advanced Topics and Best Practices

In the final hour of the course, we will cover some advanced topics and best practices in Django development. We will cover topics such as middleware, decorators, signals, and custom template tags. We will also cover some best practices for Django development, such as using class-based views, organizing project files, and optimizing performance.

By the end of this 7-hour course, you should have a solid understanding of Django and be able to build web applications using this powerful framework. Django is a versatile tool that can be used for a wide range of projects, from simple websites to complex web applications. I hope you find this tutorial helpful and enjoy learning Django!

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1 month ago

Hey all just a reminder that Django 4.0 is set to released in December 2021. While this course does use Django 3.2, I have read the release notes and confirmed that there are no changes that would affect the code in this video is 100% compatible with Django 4.0

1 month ago

is this course compatible with django 5.0?

1 month ago

Traversy Media , can we get a updated Django 5.1 crash course

1 month ago

i bought the full django course. but i cant download the vedios after "Nested Serializers & Serializer Method Fields" this module. can you enable the download button after that?

1 month ago

Hi Dennis can you create a course for how to deploy django with ngnix, gunicorn, perhaps on docker. I am trying to deploy my django web server on my personal window pc, is there a way to do that without people hacking into my pc?

1 month ago

Just finished the course, long journey but wow @DennisIvy I learned a lot! Thank you so much and I will definitely check out your course on teachable

1 month ago

hello there, I am stucked at 5:23. my update user page is not saving the new data and not redirecting me to user-profile page. i had already checked many times and took help from chat gpt but still having the same problem. if any active member can help me?

1 month ago

Could you show how to containerization for this and deploy it on any cloud platform ?

1 month ago

Thanks you Dennis, this was super helpful for me : )

1 month ago


1 month ago

<a class="btn-update" href="{{request.META.HTTP_REFERER}}">Go back</a>

why it not working its not going back

1 month ago

Started to learn Django with this video. So, this video is my first video to learn Django. Let's see how many days it takes me to complete this Django tutorials video.
Note: After completing this course I will edit and add in this comment.

1 month ago

Watched and followed this course as a begginer but with several courses on the back already.
It was clear and well explained, I liked the project and if you have some experience I recommend you to make extra functionalities on the fly so you can test yourselve. Specially cool to learn aboutt he query filter on search for example ans a bit of REST API intro.
My two negative points are that the part of the tempalte installation is not very 'Django' as it focuses on impelment a HTML design by someone else and you have not much explanation about it so si basically 1h+ of video just replacing data for placeholders. To work on front-end on the go, you can use bootstrap or tailwindcss as they are simple enough to dont sped much time on the design and more on functionality.
The other one is the user model customization. Even though Dennis explained why he did it so late, the reflection of the use of the user model is something you need to plan and should be done before so you don't mess with your DB.
Thanks for the video man and I encourage everyone to follow on and practice with you own ideas on the top.

1 month ago

whenevr i close my cmd athe website can't reach the server

1 month ago

could you please give me fresh html code?

1 month ago

please teach me difference between include and extends please

1 month ago

Learned a lot from this course…although i had to rewatch some parts still its totally worth it!!

1 month ago

Great Course and it was easy to follow Thanks a lot!!

1 month ago

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for creating such an amazing free video course. I have watched 2 other popular course and I left them because they don't explain the content as well as you. It's a great trade-off between the length of the video and how deeply and completely you teach us. Thanks a lot❤

1 month ago

3:08:00 video is faster than your voice