A Beginner’s Guide to Pytorch – Understanding Variables in Pytorch

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PyTorch is a powerful deep learning framework that provides a flexible way to build and train neural networks. One of the key components of PyTorch is the Variable class, which allows you to create tensors that store data and gradients. In this tutorial, we will discuss what Variables are and how to use them in PyTorch.

What are Variables?
A Variable in PyTorch is a wrapper around a torch.Tensor that allows automatic differentiation using the chain rule for gradients. This means that Variables keep track of both the data they contain and the gradient of a scalar value with respect to that data.

Variables have two main attributes: data and grad. The data attribute stores the tensor that the Variable wraps, while the grad attribute stores the gradient of a scalar value with respect to the data tensor.

Creating Variables:
You can create a Variable by wrapping a tensor using the Variable class. For example, to create a Variable with a tensor containing random data, you can use the following code:

import torch
from torch.autograd import Variable

data = torch.randn(2, 3)
variable = Variable(data)

In this code snippet, we first create a tensor with random data using torch.randn() and then wrap it in a Variable. Now, the variable object contains the tensor data and can be used to perform operations that require gradient computations.

Accessing data and gradients:
You can access the data tensor and the gradient tensor of a Variable using the .data and .grad attributes, respectively. For example, to print the data and gradient of a Variable, you can use the following code:


Operations with Variables:
You can perform mathematical operations with Variables just like you would with tensors. PyTorch will automatically compute the gradients of the result with respect to the input Variables. For example, you can add two Variables and compute the gradient of the result with respect to each input Variable using the following code:

x = Variable(torch.randn(2, 3), requires_grad=True)
y = Variable(torch.randn(2, 3), requires_grad=True)
z = x + y

In this code snippet, we create two Variables x and y with random data and set requires_grad=True to enable gradient computation. We then add x and y to create a new Variable z and call the backward() method on z to compute the gradients of the result with respect to x and y.

In this tutorial, we discussed Variables in PyTorch and how to create, access data and gradients, and perform operations with them. Variables are a fundamental building block of PyTorch and provide a powerful way to work with tensors and compute gradients automatically. By understanding how to use Variables effectively, you can build and train complex neural networks with ease using PyTorch.

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