A Beginner’s Step-By-Step Guide to Building a Website with Python & Flask

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How to Build a Website with Python & Flask – Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners

How to Build a Website with Python & Flask – Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners

Building a website with Python and Flask is a great way to create dynamic web applications and learn more about web development. Flask is a powerful microframework that makes it easy to build web applications using Python, a popular and versatile programming language. In this step-by-step guide, we will walk you through the process of creating a simple website using Python and Flask.

Step 1: Install Python and Flask

Before you can start building a website with Python and Flask, you will need to install both Python and Flask on your computer. You can download Python from the official Python website and install it on your system. Once Python is installed, you can install Flask using the pip package manager by running the following command in your terminal:

pip install flask

Step 2: Create a Flask App

Once Flask is installed, you can create a new Flask app by creating a new Python file and adding the following code:

from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)

def index():
return 'Hello, World!'

if __name__ == '__main__':

This code defines a simple Flask app that displays a “Hello, World!” message when you visit the root URL of your web application.

Step 3: Run the Flask App

To run the Flask app, save the Python file with your Flask code and run it in your terminal using the following command:

python app.py

Once the app is running, you can visit http://localhost:5000 in your web browser to see your Flask app in action.

Step 4: Expand Your Flask App

With the basics of Flask covered, you can now start expanding your Flask app by adding more routes, templates, and functionality. You can use Flask’s built-in features and extensions to create a powerful and dynamic website with Python.

Step 5: Deploy Your Flask App

Once your Flask app is ready, you can deploy it to a web server so that others can access it online. You can use platforms like Heroku or PythonAnywhere to easily deploy your Flask app and share it with the world.

Building a website with Python and Flask is a rewarding experience that can help you develop your skills as a web developer. By following this step-by-step guide, you can create a simple website using Python and Flask and start exploring the world of web development.