A comprehensive guide to Angular standalone components

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Angular Standalone Components

Angular Standalone Components in Depth

Angular is a popular JavaScript framework for building web applications. One of the key features of Angular is its support for creating standalone components that can be easily reused and composed together to build complex user interfaces. In this article, we will take a deep dive into Angular standalone components and explore how they can be used effectively in your Angular applications.

What are Standalone Components?

In Angular, a standalone component is a self-contained building block that encapsulates a specific piece of functionality and user interface. A component consists of a TypeScript class that defines the component’s behavior, an HTML template that defines the component’s markup, and a CSS file that defines the component’s styles. Components are reusable and can be easily composed together to build large and complex user interfaces.

Creating a Standalone Component

To create a standalone component in Angular, you can use the Angular CLI tool to generate the necessary files and boilerplate code. The generated files will include a TypeScript class for the component, an HTML template for the component’s markup, and a CSS file for the component’s styles. You can then customize these files to implement the desired functionality and user interface for your component.

Using Standalone Components

Once you have created a standalone component, you can use it in your Angular application by including it in the templates of other components or directly in the application’s main template. You can pass data to a component using input properties, and the component can emit events to communicate with the parent component using output properties. This allows you to build a hierarchy of components that work together to create the overall user interface of your application.

Key Benefits of Standalone Components

There are several key benefits of using standalone components in Angular. First, components encourage a modular and reusable approach to building user interfaces, which can help to improve the maintainability and scalability of your application. Second, components enable a clear separation of concerns, making it easier to reason about and test the behavior and user interface of individual pieces of functionality. Finally, components promote a consistent and cohesive visual design, as you can define and encapsulate the styles of a component along with its behavior and markup.


Standalone components are a powerful feature of Angular that can greatly facilitate the development of complex and maintainable user interfaces. By creating reusable and composable building blocks, you can build large and complex applications while keeping your codebase clean and organized. Whether you are building a simple web application or a sophisticated enterprise application, standalone components are an essential tool in your Angular development toolbox.

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6 months ago

Excellent video! Made it much clearer for me regarding standalone components.

6 months ago

Awesome conversation 👏

6 months ago

Would love to see file-based context soon