A Comprehensive Guide to your React JS Developer Resume: Cover Letter, Email, Portfolio (Part 2)

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React JS Dev Resume: Part 2

React JS Dev Resume: Part 2

In part 1 of our React JS Dev Resume series, we covered how to create an impressive resume. In part 2, we will discuss the cover letter, email, and portfolio that should accompany your resume.

Cover Letter

Your cover letter is your chance to introduce yourself to potential employers and explain why you’re the perfect fit for the job. It should be tailored specifically to the job you are applying for and should highlight your relevant skills and experience.

When writing your cover letter, be sure to address it to the hiring manager if possible. Use the cover letter to showcase your personality and demonstrate why you are passionate about the opportunity. Keep it concise and to the point, and be sure to proofread for any errors before sending it off.


Your email is the first point of contact with a potential employer, so it’s important to make a good impression. When sending your resume and cover letter via email, be sure to craft a professional and polite message. Introduce yourself and express your interest in the position, and attach your resume and cover letter to the email in PDF format to ensure it maintains its formatting.

Be sure to include a clear subject line that indicates the job you are applying for, and double-check the recipient’s email address to ensure it is accurate. Remember to follow up with a thank-you email after your interview, as this can leave a positive lasting impression.


Your portfolio is a valuable tool for showcasing your work and projects to potential employers. For a React JS developer, your portfolio should highlight your coding skills, projects you have worked on, and any relevant experience or certifications you may have.

Your portfolio can be in the form of a website, a GitHub repository, or a PDF document that showcases your best work. Be sure to include a variety of projects that demonstrate your skills and expertise in React JS development. You can also include links to any live projects or websites you have worked on, as well as descriptions of the technologies and tools you used.

Remember to keep your portfolio updated with your most recent work, and make it easily accessible for potential employers to view. A well-organized and visually appealing portfolio can set you apart from other candidates and demonstrate your dedication to your craft.

By creating a strong cover letter, professional email, and polished portfolio to accompany your resume, you can give yourself the best chance of standing out to potential employers and landing your dream job as a React JS developer.