A comprehensive review and examples of NGX MASK in Angular 17: Data formatting and validation explained

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Angular 17 – NGX MASK Review

Angular 17 – NGX MASK Review

Angular 17 is the latest version of the popular web application framework, and it comes with a number of new features and improvements. One of the most noteworthy additions is the NGX MASK library, which provides data formatting and validation capabilities for Angular applications. In this article, we’ll take a detailed look at NGX MASK and provide some examples of how it can be used.

What is NGX MASK?

NGX MASK is a library for Angular that allows developers to easily format and validate data input in their applications. The library provides a set of directives and pipes that can be used to apply masks to input fields, ensuring that the data entered by users conforms to a specific format. This can be particularly useful for fields such as phone numbers, credit card numbers, or dates, where a specific format is required for the data to be valid.

Examples of NGX MASK in Action

Let’s take a look at some examples of how NGX MASK can be used in an Angular application. In the following examples, we’ll use the NGX MASK directives and pipes to format and validate input fields for phone numbers and credit card numbers.

Formatting Phone Numbers

In this example, we’ll use the mask directive provided by NGX MASK to format a phone number input field. The directive takes a mask pattern as a parameter, which defines the format that the input should adhere to. For example, we can use the mask “(999) 999-9999” to format the phone number input field in the standard US phone number format.

Validating Credit Card Numbers

In this example, we’ll use the mask directive and a custom validator provided by NGX MASK to validate a credit card number input field. The mask directive can be used to format the credit card number as it is entered, while the custom validator can be used to ensure that the input conforms to a valid credit card number format. This can help prevent users from entering invalid credit card numbers and improve the overall data quality of the application.


NGX MASK is a powerful library for Angular that provides data formatting and validation capabilities. By using the directives and pipes provided by NGX MASK, developers can easily apply masks to input fields and ensure that the data entered by users conforms to specific formats. This can help improve the overall user experience and data quality of Angular applications. As Angular 17 continues to gain popularity, NGX MASK is sure to become an essential tool for developers building web applications with the framework.

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