
A Comprehensive Tutorial on Building a Movie App with React, Node.js, and Firebase Using MERN Stack

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React Node.js Movie App | MERN Stack + Firebase Full Tutorial

React Node.js Movie App | MERN Stack + Firebase Full Tutorial

In this tutorial, we will learn how to build a movie app using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js) and Firebase for authentication. We will cover the entire process from setting up the backend with Node.js and Express, creating the database with MongoDB, building the frontend with React, and adding user authentication with Firebase.


  • Basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Node.js and npm installed on your machine
  • React and MongoDB installed and set up
  • Familiarity with Firebase authentication

Setting Up the Backend

First, let’s create the backend for our movie app using Node.js and Express. Install the necessary packages with npm and set up the server to handle API requests for fetching and adding movies to the database.

Creating the Database

We will use MongoDB as our database for storing movie information. Set up a database connection and create a schema for the movies collection. Use Mongoose to interact with the database and perform CRUD operations.

Building the Frontend with React

Next, we will create the frontend for our movie app using React. Set up the project structure, create components for displaying movies and handling user interactions, and use React Router for navigation.

Adding User Authentication with Firebase

Finally, we will integrate Firebase authentication into our app to allow users to sign up, log in, and access personalized features. Set up Firebase in the frontend, add authentication methods, and secure user routes.


By following this tutorial, you will have a fully functional movie app built with the MERN stack and Firebase authentication. You will gain experience working with Node.js, Express, MongoDB, React, and Firebase, and be able to apply these skills to build more complex web applications.

© 2022 Movie App Tutorial

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laksh sharma
7 months ago

Can we upload large file means complete movie because in live demo only trailer is there

7 months ago

If you explain code logic it will more helpfull thanks

Prince in Undawn
7 months ago

Hi sir im doing this project for my clg project and im stuck in some part can u help me out pls

7 months ago

No payment gateway?

Night Bringer
7 months ago

how to get the client folder like it there another video that help you make the client folder or you have to pay for it ?

abhishek rajput
7 months ago

How much time is it take to create such application ?

abhishek rajput
7 months ago

Oh man it is really amazing .

Ramendra Soni
7 months ago

Can I add movies of 1500 mb…

Ashish Makawana
7 months ago

To understand this video any need of understanding your previous video is around 6 hours i think so first that video watch and after that this video right ????

Samsur Sekh
7 months ago

Project is good but try to put your voice over that will be more easier to understand instead of music

7 months ago

at 1:30:17 i didn't understand

7 months ago

The client folder creation is not shown please help me with this

Rumman Ujjaman
7 months ago

Sir I have a request to you. Learned a lot from you. I don't want anything else in life from you. Just one last thing please. Build a recommendation system using MERN please sir. Like a movie recommender or product recommender. you can use content base or filtering base or both. please take my request I'm individual person I don't have that much money to course some ware and in you tube there is no one who tech this. I hope you will consider.

Hieu Tran Xuan
7 months ago

Thank you for sharing

it's great but can you explain during the coding

Allan Alton
7 months ago

ooh mennn. I LOVE ITTTT🙌. I'm going to officially make it my mission to watch all your videos🫡

7 months ago

Is the Add Movie functionality working in this video? I couldn't find the implementation of it.

taken army
7 months ago

how long have u been building websites ?? and the companies u work for?

7 months ago

I have a problem with my npm run dev it runs but webpage shows localhost refused to connect

Soap MacTavish
7 months ago

can I set up this site and download it to the internet?

Harsh Singh
7 months ago

dbms…..????? mongo or any other.?