A Federal Investigation Reportedly Thwarted by Trump’s Last-Minute Pardon

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In the final hours of his presidency, Donald Trump issued a flurry of pardons to individuals convicted of various crimes. One of the pardons that has garnered significant attention is that of Dr. Salomon Melgen, a prominent eye doctor and political donor who was convicted of Medicare fraud. The timing of this pardon has raised serious concerns about its impact on an ongoing federal investigation, and has further fueled the debate surrounding presidential pardons.

Dr. Melgen had been serving a 17-year prison sentence for defrauding Medicare out of tens of millions of dollars. His case was particularly high profile due to his close relationship with Senator Robert Menendez, who faced his own legal troubles related to his ties with Dr. Melgen. The timing of Trump’s pardon for Melgen, as well as several other individuals with connections to his inner circle, has raised eyebrows and fueled speculation about potential political motivations.

Reports have emerged suggesting that the pardon may have effectively derailed a federal investigation into individuals connected to Dr. Melgen’s case. The investigation, which was reportedly in its final stages, was examining potential misconduct by government officials and individuals involved in the case. With the pardon effectively ending the legal proceedings against Dr. Melgen, it has raised serious questions about the potential obstruction of justice and abuse of presidential power.

The issue of presidential pardons has always been a controversial topic, as it grants the president broad authority to pardon individuals for federal crimes. While the power is intended to be used as a check against overzealous prosecutions and as a means of mercy, it has the potential to be abused for political gain or to obstruct justice. The timing of Trump’s pardons, particularly those with ties to his inner circle, has only amplified concerns about the potential misuse of this power.

The impact of Trump’s 11th hour pardons will likely be felt for years to come, particularly in cases where they may have derailed ongoing investigations or legal proceedings. It has also sparked renewed calls for reform of the pardon process to prevent abuse and ensure that the power is used responsibly. The fallout from these pardons will undoubtedly continue to be a subject of scrutiny and debate as the Biden administration takes office and looks to restore trust in the justice system.

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6 months ago

Why else do you think Kushner pushed so hard for Trump to be president? Of course they wanted the power to do sheit like this. Kushner is the puppet master.

6 months ago

Trump parted him because Trump is a crook.

6 months ago

psaki was a pathetic joke as speaker! no better with its new gig

6 months ago


6 months ago

What more do you expect from a grifter/conman.

6 months ago

My mistake? Kushner’s best friend was a predatory loan shark, not a stretch.

6 months ago

So Kushner’s best friend is a drug dealer, not a stretch.

6 months ago

Trump is Benedict Arnold,Hitler Putin, Mussolini, Victor Orban
Trump is Anti American, Anti Democratic etc,etc
Wake up America before it is too late

6 months ago

Criminals wash each others backs for quid pro quos.

6 months ago

Cant help but laugh at these, he has complete power dipshites.

6 months ago

I'm interested in issues of justice, so, when I saw that this piece was about the granting of pardons, I was curious. However, I got so steamed up over Jen Psaki's introduction of Michael Schmidt that I couldn't even follow the story. I was, like, "No, she did not just say that, did she😟?" I can just imagine the thoughts that would have been racing through this man's head when she mentioned his family😢. If this poor guy was in a different line of work, her comments would have been fine, but he's not, so comments like that should have been said off-air, thus not painting a bug bullseye on Michael and his family's backs. Sorry, but I'm not at all impressed with this lady right now. So not impressed that, had she been one of my employees…, well, I know what I'd be doing if I managed or owned MSNBC. This showed an utter disregard for the safety of a fellow colleague and his family. Still steamed.

6 months ago

Yeah, the USA people bowing to their constitution should think again, The ones who wrote it were not "gods".
The USA constitution as many political analysis have pointed-out over decades is less than perfect.
The President in the USA has way too much power. That is the end of the line.

6 months ago

What to expect from this criminal??? Trump belongs to prison! Lock him up NOW!!!

6 months ago

I wonder how much cash Trump raked in for pardons?

6 months ago

Democrats have taken this country backwards for three years….I can't wait for Trump to be President….joe was a failure……to the world 🌎 as well…..He proved it…..not me….

6 months ago

DOJ sends list of recommended people to pardon. Trump does not invent the list himself. If DOJ let someone they were investigating get pardoned, it is par for the course. Ignoring possible offenses by some people seems to be how DOJ operates. Their sleazy behavior or incompetence are not Trumps fault.

6 months ago

Great job … please (from Denmark) get this right …

6 months ago

Biden has Americans paying more for everything and less safe, with the border being overrun. Fake news, let's talk about Trump.

6 months ago

Bill Clinton pardon cocaine deals.

6 months ago

Put trump in prison and this will change the world for Good.