A Guide to Implementing Contrastive Learning on Point Clouds in PyTorch – Part 2

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In this tutorial, we will continue our exploration of Contrastive Learning (CL) in PyTorch, this time focusing on applying CL on point clouds. Point clouds are a popular data representation used in 3D computer vision tasks, such as object recognition, scene understanding, and robotics.

Contrastive Learning is a self-supervised learning technique that learns useful representations by contrasting similar and dissimilar data points. This enables the model to capture meaningful patterns in the data without the need for labeled examples. In Part 1 of this tutorial series, we covered the basics of Contrastive Learning and implemented a simple CL framework in PyTorch. In this tutorial, we will extend our CL framework to work with point clouds.

To follow along with this tutorial, make sure you have PyTorch installed on your system. You can install PyTorch using pip:

pip install torch torchvision

We will also need the following libraries:

pip install numpy matplotlib open3d

Now, let’s get started with implementing Contrastive Learning on point clouds in PyTorch.

Step 1: Generating Point Cloud Data

In this tutorial, we will use the ModelNet40 dataset, which contains 3D CAD models from 40 different object categories. We will generate point cloud data from these models using the open-source library Open3D. First, download the ModelNet40 dataset from the official website:

wget http://modelnet.cs.princeton.edu/ModelNet40.zip
unzip ModelNet40.zip

Next, we will write a Python script to load the 3D models from the dataset and convert them into point cloud data. Here’s an example script to get you started:

import os
import numpy as np
import open3d as o3d

data_dir = 'ModelNet40'

def load_point_cloud(filename):
    mesh = o3d.io.read_triangle_mesh(filename)
    points = np.asarray(mesh.vertices)
    return points

def generate_point_cloud_data():
    point_clouds = []

    for category in os.listdir(data_dir):
        category_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, category)
        for filename in os.listdir(category_dir):
            if filename.endswith('.off'):
                point_cloud = load_point_cloud(os.path.join(category_dir, filename))

    return np.array(point_clouds)

point_cloud_data = generate_point_cloud_data()

In this script, we first define a function load_point_cloud(filename) that loads a 3D model from a file and converts it into a point cloud. We then iterate through the ModelNet40 dataset to load all the 3D models, convert them into point clouds, and store them in a NumPy array point_cloud_data.

Step 2: Implementing CL Model for Point Clouds

Now that we have our point cloud data ready, we can implement a CL model in PyTorch to learn representations from this data. We will use a Siamese network architecture, where two identical neural networks share the same weights, each taking a different input and producing embeddings that will be contrasted in the loss function.

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F

class PointNet(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        super(PointNet, self).__init__()
        # Define the layers of the PointNet model here

    def forward(self, x):
        # Implement the forward pass of the PointNet model here

In the PointNet class, you can define the layers of the PointNet model based on your specific requirements. PointNet is a popular neural network architecture for processing point clouds, so you may choose to use a similar architecture in your implementation.

Step 3: Implementing Contrastive Loss for Point Clouds

Next, we need to implement the contrastive loss function for our PointNet model. The contrastive loss function penalizes the model for embedding similar data points far apart in the representation space and embedding dissimilar data points closely together.

class ContrastiveLoss(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, margin=1.0):
        super(ContrastiveLoss, self).__init__()
        self.margin = margin

    def forward(self, output1, output2, target):
        euclidean_distance = F.pairwise_distance(output1, output2)
        loss_contrastive = torch.mean((1 - target) * torch.pow(euclidean_distance, 2) +
                                      target * torch.pow(torch.clamp(self.margin - euclidean_distance, min=0.0), 2))
        return loss_contrastive

In the ContrastiveLoss class, we calculate the Euclidean distance between the embeddings produced by the PointNet model and apply a margin to penalize the model based on whether the data points are similar or dissimilar. The loss function is then optimized to learn meaningful representations that capture the underlying structure of the point cloud data.

Step 4: Training the CL Model

With the PointNet model and contrastive loss function implemented, we can now train the CL model on our point cloud data. We can use PyTorch’s DataLoader class to create batches of data and feed them into the model for training.

import torch.optim as optim

model = PointNet()
criterion = ContrastiveLoss()
optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=0.001)

# Split the point cloud data into positive and negative pairs
# Implement a DataLoader for training the model
# Iterate over the dataset and update the model parameters using the optimizer

In this step, you will need to split the point cloud data into positive and negative pairs for training the CL model. You can then create a DataLoader object to load batches of data, iterate over the dataset, and update the model parameters using the Adam optimizer.

Step 5: Evaluating the CL Model

Once the model has been trained, we can evaluate its performance by visualizing the learned embeddings in a lower-dimensional space using techniques like t-SNE or UMAP.

from sklearn.manifold import TSNE
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Implement a function to extract embeddings from the model
# Visualize the embeddings using t-SNE or UMAP

In this step, you can extract the embeddings produced by the PointNet model for the point cloud data and visualize them using dimensionality reduction techniques like t-SNE or UMAP. This will give you insights into how well the CL model has learned to represent the underlying structure of the point cloud data.


In this tutorial, we explored how to implement Contrastive Learning on point clouds in PyTorch. We covered the steps involved in generating point cloud data, implementing a PointNet model for learning representations, defining a contrastive loss function, training the CL model, and evaluating its performance. By following this tutorial, you can leverage Contrastive Learning to learn meaningful representations from point cloud data for various 3D computer vision tasks. I hope this tutorial helps you get started with Contrastive Learning on point clouds and inspires you to explore more advanced techniques in this field. Happy coding!

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3 hours ago

What's the similarity between NTXentLoss (or InfoNCE) and SimCLR loss?

3 hours ago

Very useful and informative video, especially PointNet and batch size parts. Special thanks for using point cloud domain!

3 hours ago

in section "install torch"
what is link?

3 hours ago

Great work! Combined with the part 1, a very complete picture of how contrastive learning is presented. Thanks. It helps a lot.

3 hours ago

Good explanation but bad example which is difficult to follow the point could. I wish you would have picked 2d images instead

3 hours ago

good video, but 1 thing, I do not think voxel is a sparse representation. sparse is happened when points has distance betwen them like low resolution point cloud. mesh and voxel does not have this effect!

3 hours ago

Can it be implemented in text data as well? IF so can you make a vid for it?

3 hours ago

Great tutorial! In my opinion, to enhance the embedding evaluation part, it's crucial to establish a solid baseline. One effective approach would involve applying TSNE directly to the (high-dimensional) point cloud data (e.g., after applying a simple permutation-invariant operation). By comparing these TSNE plots with the ones generated from the learned embeddings, we can effectively gauge the impact of the contrastive deep learning framework on the separation performance. This would provide a fair assessment of how well the framework has improved the data representation.

3 hours ago

Very cool videos, thank you man!

Your channel is truly underrated, keep it going!

3 hours ago

The quality of your videos and explanation is amazing! Actually, I am really thinking about requesting your expertise. Any work is going to be done on GNN Contrastive Learning? I am very interested into the idea of extracting invariant features from GNN embeddings? Keep up the good work! ^_^

3 hours ago

Keep up the good work. You are amazing. You have the talent for teaching! It would be fantastic if you can implement something like DINO!

3 hours ago

useful video, question: why in test time no augmentations are applied?

3 hours ago


3 hours ago

Thank you so much. Pleas keep positing

3 hours ago

Love the content ….

3 hours ago

Thanks for the video. Will the next be a Part 3? With a Infomax (Contrastive GNN) tutorial ? 😉

3 hours ago

You're awesome! Thanks for making these videos and sharing your knowledge. I hope you keep creating this kind of content, I'll keep watching!!!

3 hours ago

Very excellent tutorials! Thank you very much for your generous help to beginners like me.

3 hours ago

It’s earning a lot of trust how you corrected the oops from your last video. Kudos.

3 hours ago

Great followup video. I really like the way you speak simply about whatever concept you are explaining. I think it has good pedagogical value. Keep it up 👍

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