A Python Guide to Evaluating scikit-learn Models with KFold Cross-Validation

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Evaluating sklearn model using KFold cross validation in python

Evaluating sklearn model using KFold cross validation in python

When building machine learning models in python, it is important to evaluate the performance of the model to ensure its effectiveness. One common method for evaluating a model is KFold cross validation, which is available in the scikit-learn (sklearn) library.

KFold cross validation involves splitting the dataset into k-folds, training the model on k-1 folds, and testing it on the remaining fold. This process is repeated k times, with each fold serving as the test set exactly once. This allows for a more robust evaluation of the model’s performance, as it reduces the impact of variability in a single train-test split.

In python, the sklearn library provides a KFold class which can be used to implement KFold cross validation. The following is an example of how to use KFold cross validation to evaluate a model using scikit-learn in python:

        import numpy as np
        from sklearn.model_selection import KFold
        from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
        from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
        from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
        # Load the iris dataset
        iris = load_iris()
        X = iris.data
        y = iris.target
        # Create a Logistic Regression model
        model = LogisticRegression()
        # Initialize the KFold cross validation
        kfold = KFold(n_splits=5, shuffle=True, random_state=42)
        # Evaluate the model using KFold cross validation
        results = cross_val_score(model, X, y, cv=kfold)
        # Print the mean and standard deviation of the cross validation results
        print("Mean Accuracy:", np.mean(results))
        print("Standard Deviation:", np.std(results))

In the above example, we first load the iris dataset using sklearn’s datasets module. We then create a logistic regression model and initialize a KFold object with 5 folds. Finally, we use the cross_val_score function to evaluate the model using KFold cross validation, and print the mean accuracy and standard deviation of the cross validation results.

KFold cross validation is a powerful tool for evaluating the performance of machine learning models in python. By using KFold cross validation, we can obtain a more robust estimation of the model’s performance, which can be important for making informed decisions about the model’s effectiveness and generalizability to new data.

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6 months ago


6 months ago

Dear Sreeni, thank you so much for your work! Have a good one!

6 months ago

Before doing a crossvalidation, shoudn't you use a dimentionnality reduction technique to determine if all features are necessary for your training? Thanks by advance if you take the time to answer me!

6 months ago

Hi sir, i have been trying to implement video classification using CNN. All the content or tutorials out there are quite hard to implement or maybe I got used to your detailed explanation. Please do a tutorial on how to load video data. Thanks for all the high quality content.

6 months ago

Hi, great video series. Can you start a video series about medical image processing and ML like 3D MRI processing, stopping leaky validations and etc. It would be really useful because there aren't many resources.

6 months ago

I used this module a lot during my work. thank for these great free libraries, it make data scientists easier. Most of work is to glue the data to these libraries.

6 months ago

how to print roc curve for overall cross validation?
i have been trying to print roc curve but it shows me error apparently because i got different counts of tprs/fprs on each fold that prevents the code from showing

6 months ago

Great video. Just to clarify, is the purpose of cross-validation to tune the hyperparameters of models on a variety of different train_test splits to avoid overfitting? Cheers!

6 months ago

Hi Thanks for the video.Code Generated is not in the github file you shared

6 months ago

Been enjoying this KFold series. Looking forward to the next one. Thanks.

6 months ago

nice video, one silly question u are using in a pipeline minmaxScaler how does know the cross_val_score to apply minmax_score on X_array? I know it's silly question about I have the question because u don't transform your pipeline to X_array

6 months ago


6 months ago

hi, thanks for doing everything and providing it for free. I’m final year EE engineer, not doing great academically. but I hope the future I could be better

6 months ago

You are one of the best data science teacher out there. Thanks for your good work and approach. You explain very well on a wide range of topics.