
A Rapid Overview of Modern Redis: Crash Course 2023 in 40 Minutes

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Modern Redis in 40 Minutes | Crash Course 2023

Modern Redis in 40 Minutes | Crash Course 2023

Redis is an open-source, in-memory data structure store that can be used as a database, cache, and message broker. It is widely used in modern web development for its speed and simplicity. If you’re looking to get started with Redis or want to brush up on your skills, this crash course is for you.

What is Redis?

Redis is a key-value store that supports various data types such as strings, hashes, lists, sets, and more. It is known for its performance, scalability, and persistence options. It is often used to cache frequently accessed data, store session information, and implement real-time messaging systems.

Topics Covered

  • Introduction to Redis
  • Installation and setup
  • Basic commands and data types
  • Advanced features and use cases
  • Real-world examples and best practices

Why Take This Crash Course?

This crash course is designed for developers who want to quickly get up to speed with Redis. Whether you’re building a new application or maintaining an existing one, understanding how to leverage Redis can greatly improve performance and reliability. By the end of this crash course, you’ll have a solid understanding of how to use Redis effectively in your projects.

Who Should Attend?

This crash course is ideal for web developers, software engineers, and anyone interested in learning about Redis. No prior experience with Redis is required, but a basic understanding of key-value stores and data structures will be helpful.

Registration Details

To register for the Modern Redis in 40 Minutes | Crash Course 2023, simply fill out the form on our website and make the payment. The crash course will be held on [date] from [time] to [time] at [location]. Don’t miss this opportunity to level up your Redis skills!

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Jig kura
7 months ago

How would you cache a list of data like posts? In reality, wouldnt this be more practical than just a caching a single post since it would take longer to fetch.
Could I just a set a dummy key like "posts" and store value there? And whenever new post is added, or existing post is edited/deleted, would have to flush

koustav maity
7 months ago

how to use zrem using uptash redis

test test
7 months ago

Very good video, I congratulate you. I ask you a question, suppose I have an application with a mysql database, my app calls an api to query and show products to the user, if I implement you Redis to cache the busquedaby that the api first see if you have stored in cache and if not just then go to query the database, with the first user who enters the app Eedis stored in the server cache and then if another user comes and asks to see the products would be set in that cache even if they are different users? The cache has a time and then it is deleted and the search to the database is done again, right? Thank you very much

David C.
7 months ago

S-Chassis Weekly
7 months ago

incredible explaination, notes and tutorial this is wonderfull! is there a link to a working github repo? I got an error on the api calls 3/4 of the way through and trying to figure it out. the discord link isn't worrking at the moment.

Syed Sadiq
7 months ago

I am subscribing to this channel

John Engstrom
7 months ago

You missed the most important feature! Guess what it is…😊

7 months ago

Thanks. About JSON was interesting.

Nam Hoai
7 months ago

give your slide about redis pls

Yanay Tsabary
7 months ago

Great cover – thank you!

Damir Secki
7 months ago

Josh, thanks for the video… can you please explain in the next video… how can we use this in production?
and how can we sync the redis with our sql or mongo db?

7 months ago

a question…

In the end Redis saves everything as a strig..

So what is the difference between this and just doing



7 months ago

i like your videos, but you mix evry topic with nextjs 🙃

7 months ago


Bulat Ashimov
7 months ago

All concise, and right to the point. Great job, Josh. God bless

Dot T.
7 months ago

Talk about KeyDB, it has enterprise features of redis

Tomi Rodriguez
7 months ago

Excelent video Josh!
I was wondering in which cases would you use redis instead of an actual database? Since the latest is way more powerfull and cheep, is there some edge cases where using redis would be better?
I can't stop comparing the 10k comments / day from upstash against the 1billon read from Planetscale 🤔

Thanks for all the content 🙂 It really helps a lot

Siddiqui Affan
7 months ago

Wondering if it will work or not if we do something like this.

redis.json.set('key', '$.tags.TypeScript', true)

time: 34:06

Simon Nom
7 months ago

Needs some real world examples and applications in the video. I think people use redis mostly for rate limiting and session storage? Or would anyone seriously pick redis for saving userdata over a sql db?

7 months ago

i prefer to use docker instead of using virtualization in my machine it's more flexible. great video btw