A significant upgrade has been released for React.js

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React.js, one of the most popular JavaScript libraries for building user interfaces, has just released a major upgrade – React 18. This upgrade brings with it several new features and improvements that will make developing web applications even more powerful and efficient. In this tutorial, we will go over some of the key changes in React 18 and how you can start using them in your projects.

1. Concurrent Mode
One of the biggest changes in React 18 is the introduction of Concurrent Mode. Concurrent Mode allows React to execute multiple tasks concurrently, giving it the ability to handle situations where there are multiple components to render or update at the same time. This can greatly improve the performance of your application, especially in situations where there are a lot of UI elements that need to be updated simultaneously.

To enable Concurrent Mode in your React application, you can set the experimental_concurrent_features flag to true in your application’s entry point. This will allow you to use the new features that come with Concurrent Mode, such as the new Suspense component, which allows you to specify loading indicators or fallback UI while components are being fetched or updated.

2. Automatic Batching
Another new feature in React 18 is automatic batching. This feature automatically batches multiple state updates into a single render cycle, reducing the number of times your components are re-rendered and improving performance. This can be especially helpful in situations where you have multiple state updates happening in quick succession, as it can prevent unnecessary re-renders and improve the overall performance of your application.

To take advantage of automatic batching in React 18, you can simply update your existing state update functions to make multiple state updates in a single function call. React will automatically batch these updates together and only perform a single re-render, resulting in a smoother and more efficient user experience.

3. Updated APIs
React 18 also introduces several updates to its APIs, including new features like the startTransition and useDeferredValue hooks. The startTransition hook allows you to defer the rendering of certain UI elements until a later time, improving performance by prioritizing which components are rendered first. The useDeferredValue hook allows you to asynchronously update the value of a state variable, further improving the performance of your application by handling updates in a more efficient manner.

To start using these updated APIs in your React 18 application, you can simply import them from the React library and start using them in your components. These new APIs provide more flexibility and control over how your components are rendered and updated, allowing you to build more responsive and efficient web applications.

4. Improved DevTools
With the release of React 18, the React DevTools have also been updated to provide more insights and information about your application’s performance. The DevTools now include new metrics and profiling tools that allow you to track the performance of your components and identify any bottlenecks or areas for improvement. This can be extremely helpful in optimizing your application and ensuring that it runs smoothly and efficiently.

To take advantage of the improved DevTools in React 18, you can simply update your existing React DevTools extension or install the latest version from the Chrome Web Store. Once installed, you can use the new features and tools to monitor the performance of your application and make any necessary optimizations to improve its speed and responsiveness.

In conclusion, React 18 brings with it several new features and improvements that make building web applications even more powerful and efficient. From Concurrent Mode and automatic batching to updated APIs and improved DevTools, there are plenty of new tools and capabilities to explore in this latest release. By taking advantage of these new features, you can enhance the performance and user experience of your React applications and stay at the forefront of web development trends.

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14 days ago

he had good content on youtube but his paid course is not worth it at all

14 days ago

Coding is now painful and requires time and grinding and not intelligence , these internet gurus know this this and they turned into teaching instead of working as devs because they know if you're building your own thing, it's easier and they teach you using basic stuff .. in the real project, these hooks and stuff are actually a problem and why i really despise react .. it is painful to use in big projects

14 days ago

meanwhile svelte laughing in the corner

14 days ago

Angular makes a compiler 9 years ago, React does it today – ground breaking.

14 days ago

I would rather have some advanced examples on how they do their optimizations… Simplicity gone too far

14 days ago

Bro how is greensoul chair, is it good and comfit able.

14 days ago

Hi, great video, this makes React a full framework and not just a library, right ?

14 days ago

I think you didnt read actions part properly. They are mentioning that it can be used client side too which means you will be able to use actions feature on vite too, it just will run on client side but not on server.

14 days ago

very well explained. love from Pakistan..

14 days ago

This version makes react in parity with other UI libraries and frameworks. React now has a compiler. I still like remix or next over bare bones react.

14 days ago

They are using it on production. So i think and as you've also said, it will come out in a polished manner.

14 days ago


14 days ago

Nicely explained, loved it

14 days ago

00:02 React.js is getting a major upgrade with noticeable changes in how it works
01:55 React.js enables seamless testing and polishing of products within production environment.
03:46 React.js introduces new memo APIs for better performance
05:32 React's approach to UI as a simple function of state with standard JavaScript values and items is a key part of its accessibility to developers.
07:17 Enabling strict mode and configuring React's ES Lint plugins is important for ensuring code follows React rules.
09:09 Actions in React.js enables server-side execution
10:55 Optimistic UI is about handling backend calls in a fast and efficient manner.
12:40 React.js has added support for document metadata and subpoints on release of React 19.

14 days ago

We will be waiting for you and the video

14 days ago

Very good .. do well to upload a video when it's finally released

14 days ago

React is good when you are developing apps for medium to high end laptops, mobiles, etc. And that too why its good is because it has many 3rd party library support. But when it comes to low powered devices like TVs, embedded devices, etc. Compiler based frameworks like svelte is the best. They give more performance.
I develop web apps for TVs in my company. I was using react before and now I have moved to svelte 4.
Reasons are:
1) More performance.
2) Svelte has very good inbuilt support for css animations. No js framework can beat this.
3) No boilerplate. So becomes easy to maintain.
4) Very easy to learn. I just refer to the svelte docs. Its so easy to understand svelte.

14 days ago

Great. Having just wasted 2 months of my life upgrading all our apps to react 18, this drops, so we are back in tech debt land.

Time to get off the dependency roundabout

Next upgrade to our code will be ditching react components for standard web components.. and then rewrite / simplify everything into htmx

14 days ago

Clickbait title no? Good content though.

14 days ago

While others worry about React, I'm enjoying Django + HTMX

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