
A Step-by-Step Guide to Streaming Real-Time Results using React, OpenAI, and Server Sent Events (SSE)

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Streaming Real-Time Results with React, OpenAI, and Server Sent Events (SSE): A Step-by-Step Guide

Streaming Real-Time Results with React, OpenAI, and Server Sent Events (SSE): A Step-by-Step Guide

In this step-by-step guide, we’ll walk through how to set up a real-time streaming application using React, OpenAI’s API, and Server Sent Events (SSE). This tutorial assumes some basic knowledge of React and JavaScript.

Step 1: Set Up Your React App

First, create a new React app using create-react-app or your preferred method. Once your app is set up, navigate to the project directory in your terminal and start your development server with npm start.

Step 2: Integrate OpenAI’s API

Next, sign up for an API key with OpenAI and install their official JavaScript client library using npm install openai. Import the library into your React component and use it to make requests to OpenAI’s API for real-time data.

Step 3: Implement Server Sent Events (SSE)

Server Sent Events (SSE) allow servers to push real-time updates to clients over HTTP. Set up an SSE endpoint on your server that streams data from OpenAI’s API, and create a new EventSource object in your React component to listen for and handle incoming events.

Step 4: Display Real-Time Results in Your React App

Finally, update your React component to dynamically render the real-time results received from OpenAI via SSE. This could be in the form of a live-updating chatbot, news feed, or any other real-time data stream.


By following these steps, you can create a powerful real-time streaming application using React, OpenAI’s API, and Server Sent Events (SSE). This can be applied to a wide range of use cases, from live chat applications to real-time analytics dashboards. Experiment with different data sources and visualization techniques to build truly engaging real-time experiences for your users.

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Сергей Чевдарь
7 months ago

And if I need the question message to come before the answer, what should I do?

7 months ago

Can we do it in Angular?

Ivan Kraev
7 months ago

Why is resultRef needed ? can't we just say setResult(prev=>prev+text)

7 months ago

is there any way to add stop generate functionality with this solution that stop streaming data in frontend and backend as well, i can't find a way.

7 months ago

anyone knows how to do it with Vuejs?

David Pádua
7 months ago

Not working for me. Gives an error: failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 429 ()

Gaurav K. Verma
7 months ago

this works on localhost but does not work on the server. Did you also face the same issue? I hosted my app on vercel and on EC2, in both the cases the data is received in one shot as supposed to be realtime chunk of data

Leon van Zyl
7 months ago

Wouldn't this solution expose the API KEY to the frontend?

Franklin Mayoyo
7 months ago

I built a complete web app. I now need this to stream my data. Thank you for sharing this.

7 months ago

꧁ Alright ☀️ ꧂

Lost from the world
7 months ago

It is very interesting app, with complete explaination, thank you sir🙏🙏

h l
h l
7 months ago

good timely topic thank you