Abrams says Biden apologized for questioning Hamas death count, caved to extremism

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President Joe Biden recently succumbed to pressure from the extremes by issuing an apology for questioning the death count provided by Hamas during the recent conflict in the Middle East, according to Dan Abrams, host of “Dan Abrams Live.”

In a segment on his show, Abrams discussed how Biden’s initial statement raised eyebrows as he seemingly questioned the accuracy of Hamas’s casualty figures. “I think that we still need a clearer picture of the extent of the damage. The U.S. is in constant contact with Israeli officials, and the Palestinian authorities as well as other regional stakeholders,” Biden said during a press conference.

Biden’s statement, while seemingly measured, drew criticism from various corners, with some accusing him of undermining the legitimacy of information provided by Hamas. This prompted the administration to issue a clarification, with White House press secretary Jen Psaki stating that the president “never thought” he was questioning the accuracy of the reported death toll.

However, during his show, Dan Abrams pointed out that the apology seemed to be an example of Biden “caving to the extremes.” He argued that Biden’s initial comments were not inaccurate or unreasonable, given the complexity of the situation and the inherent challenges of verifying casualty figures in a conflict zone.

Abrams also noted that this incident highlighted the broader issue of how political leaders often find themselves under pressure to adhere to the narratives pushed by partisan or ideological extremes, rather than speaking candidly and thoughtfully about complex issues.

He went on to emphasize the importance of leaders being able to express nuanced and balanced views, particularly on sensitive subjects such as international conflicts. “It’s crucial for leaders to be able to discuss these matters with a level of nuance and skepticism, rather than simply buying into the narratives being pushed by various parties,” Abrams said.

Ultimately, Abrams suggested that Biden’s apology may have been an unfortunate example of how political leaders can become entangled in the pressures of extreme viewpoints, rather than staying true to thoughtful and nuanced discussions of critical global issues. He urged viewers to support leaders who are willing to engage in complex, honest conversations, rather than succumbing to the demands of partisan or extremist agendas.

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6 months ago

You pose as a centrist but you are complicit and splitting hairs over war crimes. Lives have been lost on both sides. Accusing people of denying that lives have been lost is disgraceful. He should apologise. What's wrong with that?

6 months ago

I wondered into a very dark place here and now I'm leaving. Bye. I hope you all find your hearts.

6 months ago

Mister you really need to get the facts and find your heart.

6 months ago

Who is this idiotic news correspondent?

6 months ago

Does Joe even know what room he`s in ?

6 months ago

David shushed ia a f lair ..Stop killing civilians … Free Palestine 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸

6 months ago

If you a democrat you damn near brain washed

6 months ago


6 months ago

I hope his legs can no longer walk

6 months ago

Sad! It all started in Afghanistan, then country notice!

6 months ago

You guys are straight up zionazis. It is no wonder no one treats you like a credible source. At least people that have a mental capacity which exceeds that of a gold fish. The soldier counts are not included in the civilian death count. Disgusting zionazis.

6 months ago

Love president Biden he is the president care about his country about human life unfortunately some peoples don’t want vote for him because he is not coming everyday on tv or twitter just lie and lies he is not talking but he is doing his job so sad that group of peoples like to hear the lies that was we are in very dangerous situation

6 months ago

The dude is living in the land of OZ! He does not know what he is saying. He has no moral compass. He will go the way his advisors are telling him go.

6 months ago

Democrats are owned by the muslims. A Dem senator in Michigan had to apologize publicly, simply for going to Israel — and that was a while ago, way before this war.

6 months ago

Why do Democrats keep caving to this small minority Islamist element in the United States. The same crap is happening here in Canada with Trudeau and the Liberals. Same goes with the UK's Labor Party. The Left is going to completely implode if they can't deal with the dangers of Islam/Islamism and mass immigration.

6 months ago

Since when do we trust Terrorists….REally

6 months ago

Look like Zionist terrorist control American media, Congress and White House

6 months ago

Ummmm he didn't buck anyone. Are you implying that Joe is allowed to make decisions for himself?!? Yaaa we'll need some evidence of that first.

6 months ago

Get off your knees Joe

6 months ago

Yeah I’m sorry too 🙄