Absence by Dyango

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“Dyango Ausencia” is a popular Spanish-language ballad, originally released in 1982. The song, sung by Dyango, tells the story of a man who is struggling with the absence of his beloved. The lyrics are filled with themes of longing, heartache, and loneliness, making it a powerful and emotional ballad.

In this tutorial, we will break down the song “Ausencia” and provide detailed instructions on how to perform it. We will cover the lyrics, the melody, and the emotions behind the song, to help you understand and interpret it effectively.

1. Lyrics:
Here are the lyrics to “Ausencia”:
Ausencia, ¿dónde te escondiste?

This line sets the tone for the rest of the song, as it introduces the theme of absence and longing. The lyrics go on to describe the pain and loneliness that the man feels in the absence of his beloved.

2. Melody:
The melody of “Ausencia” is haunting and emotional, reflecting the sadness and longing expressed in the lyrics. The song is typically sung in a slow, melancholic tone, with the singer conveying a deep sense of emotion and vulnerability.

To perform the song effectively, it is important to focus on the dynamics of the melody, using soft and gentle tones to convey the emotions of the lyrics. Pay close attention to the phrasing and timing of the song, as these elements are crucial in capturing the true essence of “Ausencia.”

3. Emotions:
The key to a successful performance of “Ausencia” lies in the ability to convey the emotions of the song effectively. The lyrics are filled with pain, longing, and heartache, and it is important to tap into these emotions as you sing.

To truly connect with the song, try to imagine yourself in the shoes of the man described in the lyrics. Feel the pain and loneliness that he feels, and let those emotions guide your performance. Allow yourself to be vulnerable and open, as this will help you deliver a more authentic and moving rendition of “Ausencia.”

In conclusion, “Ausencia” is a powerful and emotional ballad that requires careful attention to the lyrics, melody, and emotions of the song. By focusing on these elements and putting your heart and soul into the performance, you can create a poignant and moving rendition of this classic Spanish-language ballad.

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15 days ago

15años d divorcio

15 days ago

Es la canción perfecta , para mí corazón hecha pedazos.

15 days ago

Ausencia lo único que me dejaron por no querer continuar con mi gran amor hoy no esta

15 days ago

1 euro a 2 para usted suertiz

15 days ago

Hermosa melodía…. contemplándola a mi amor de toda la vida….a pesar de sus dolores como los míos….seguimos caminando en este hermoso valle ….

15 days ago

….ya no estás aquí 😢😢😢…

15 days ago

Está canción es linda me siento bien

15 days ago

Genial AUSENCIA trasciende las décadas

15 days ago

que pena Django,,,que no cantaste esta cancion ,,cuando te lo pedi en el Peru,en tu concierto en el Pentagonito

15 days ago

Tube una niñez muy madura, mis padres desde muy pequeño tube esa presion del Hijo mayor. Aprendiendo buenos valores y algo que rescato es la buena musica que es como el vino cada vez que escucho esta musica me transportar a muchas etapas de mi vida.
Saludos desde Perú un hincha mas de la Dyango.

15 days ago

Linda música ❤

15 days ago

Recuerdos de mi primer amor 💘 💕

15 days ago

Lloran de ausencia, en mi alma quieta. Las horas que te di.
Has dejado huella con tu presencia y…..
Quiero saber de tí amor ……
Las palabras en tu voz…….
Quiero el beso más feliz.
Te extraño.. Vida mía…
Buenas noches.

15 days ago

Me encanta,me traen muchos lindos recuerdos ❤️❤️❤️

15 days ago

Grande Dyango. Linda canción de antaño

15 days ago


15 days ago

Está canción hace vibrar las fibras de mi corazón, recuerdo haberla escuchado en una tarde lluviosa contemplando un paisaje tejano, me encontraba triste aquel momento

15 days ago

Q grande eres diango

15 days ago

Que tema mas.lindo, me emociona desde muy dentro. No lo canto lo grito, hasta las lagrimas. Creci escuchando este tema. ❤❤❤

15 days ago

A nadie le importa pero mi gatito acaba de morir hoy . 😭

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