Abu Obaida of Hamas Gives Ominous Warning to U.S. and Israel; Netanyahu Reacts with Anger | “Submit Now”

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Hamas’ military spokesman, Abu Obaida, recently issued a chilling warning to the United States and Israel, sending shockwaves through the region. In a defiant message, he declared, “We are coming. Surrender now or wait for death.”

The bold and aggressive statement has escalated tensions between Hamas and its adversaries, particularly the Israeli government led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The warning comes after a recent surge in violence in the Gaza Strip, with Hamas firing rockets into Israel and Israeli forces responding with airstrikes.

Netanyahu, incensed by the threat from Hamas, has condemned the militant group for its aggressive stance. In a fiery response, he stated, “Hamas will be hit in ways that it does not expect. We will continue to take all steps necessary to protect our people.”

The escalating conflict has raised concerns about the possibility of a full-scale war breaking out in the region. The ongoing hostility between Hamas and Israel has resulted in countless casualties and widespread destruction, with no end in sight.

Abu Obaida’s warning serves as a chilling reminder of the volatile nature of the situation in the region. The threat of further violence and bloodshed looms large as both sides remain entrenched in their positions.

The United States, a key ally of Israel, has also expressed concern over the escalating tensions. The Biden administration has called for calm and a de-escalation of the situation, urging both parties to seek a peaceful resolution to their differences. However, the recent warning from Hamas signals a significant challenge to efforts to quell the conflict.

The situation in the Middle East remains precarious, with the threat of a larger conflict always looming. The recent warning from Hamas has added fuel to the fire, intensifying the already tense situation.

It is crucial for all parties involved to exercise restraint and work towards a peaceful resolution to the longstanding conflict. The innocent civilians caught in the crossfire deserve to live in peace and security, free from the constant threat of violence and destruction.

As the situation continues to unfold, the international community must remain vigilant and actively seek ways to de-escalate the conflict and find a path towards lasting peace and stability in the region. The stakes are high, and the consequences of failing to address the underlying issues could be catastrophic for all involved.

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6 months ago

Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu is the Hitler of 2023. He has the blood of innocent Palestinian children on his hands.

6 months ago

To much bla bla,,,,,, be aware,,,,

6 months ago

5:06 Allah is with you o Palestine 🇵🇸
May Allah make you steadfast in your struggle…Ameen

6 months ago

he did not threaten to kill the hostages. wrong translation

6 months ago

Hindustan times before translating arabic, make sure to study arabic 101 first… Dont mislead viewers.

6 months ago

If you trust abu ubaidah's reports more than natenyahu's

6 months ago

Surrender to where.. you took their land

6 months ago

Why do hammas cover their face?

6 months ago

Munafiq and yaudi are best friends

6 months ago

Abu Obaida, u westem taem

6 months ago


6 months ago

Love you Palestine 🇰🇼❤️

6 months ago

If you are so bold and confident, why do you cover your face?

6 months ago

You are freak

6 months ago

Some say 70 years of Jewish terrorism question should be stopped with a "Solution" . What do u say?? Iam confused

6 months ago

Algamdulila for my Arab family in Islam, if i did not read the comments below, as i do not speak Arabic (my laziness for not being educated about the Arabic language) i would have believed the English translation, how disgusting or is this part of Israelis Propaganda Machine?.
Ya ALLAH SWT Grant the Palestinians with Peace and Free dom, Protection and Aid Insha ALLAH ameen.

6 months ago

Lying he did not threaten to kill but no exchange will be done without their demands are met..don't lie and create propaganda like godi media..have a courage to speak the truth.shame on your reporting ..

6 months ago

Cowards have a need to cover their faces.

6 months ago


6 months ago
