
Accelerated Introduction to Angular

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Angular Crash Course: A Quick Introduction to Angular for Beginners

Angular is a popular JavaScript framework that is widely used for building web applications. Developed and maintained by Google, Angular offers a comprehensive set of tools and features that make it easy to develop dynamic and scalable applications. If you are new to Angular or simply looking to refresh your knowledge, this crash course will provide you with a quick introduction to the basics of Angular.

Getting Started with Angular:
Before diving into Angular, it is essential to have a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Once you have a solid foundation, you can start building Angular applications.

To start with Angular, you need to have Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager) installed on your machine. These are essential tools for developing Angular applications. Once you have them installed, you can proceed to install Angular CLI (Command Line Interface) globally using npm. The Angular CLI allows you to scaffold, build, and deploy Angular applications.

Creating Your First Angular Application:
After setting up the necessary tools, you can create your first Angular application using the Angular CLI. Open your terminal/command prompt and navigate to the directory where you want to create your application. Then use the following command to generate a new Angular project:

ng new my-app

This command will create a new directory called “my-app” and generate all the necessary files and dependencies for your Angular project.

Understanding the Angular Structure:
Angular follows a modular architecture, where each component is responsible for a specific functionality of your application. The core building blocks of an Angular application are modules, components, services, directives, and pipes.

Modules: Angular applications are divided into modules, each serving a specific purpose. A module contains a collection of components, services, and other related code necessary for a specific feature or functionality.

Components: Components are the building blocks of Angular applications. A component encapsulates the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript logic required for a specific part of your application’s user interface.

Services: Services are responsible for providing data and functionality that can be shared across multiple components. They are used for handling data retrieval from APIs, managing state, and implementing business logic.

Directives: Directives allow you to manipulate the DOM (Document Object Model), modify elements’ behavior, and create reusable UI components.

Pipes: Pipes provide a way to format data for display in the template. Angular provides several built-in pipes for common transformations like date formatting, currency conversion, and more.

Building Your Angular Application:
Once you have understood the basics of the Angular structure, you can start building your application by creating components, services, and other necessary files. Angular CLI provides useful commands to generate these files quickly.

For example, to generate a new component, you can use the following command:

ng generate component my-component

This command will create a new component file along with its associated HTML, CSS, and test files.

Testing and Debugging:
Angular applications can be tested using various testing frameworks like Jasmine and Karma. Angular CLI provides commands to run tests and generate code coverage reports. Thorough testing helps ensure that your application functions as expected and catches any bugs or errors.

For debugging purposes, Angular provides a powerful development tool called Augury. It is a Chrome extension that integrates with Angular applications and allows you to inspect the component tree, their communication, and state.

This crash course provides you with a quick introduction to Angular and its fundamental concepts. It covers the basics of setting up an Angular project, understanding the structure, building components, services, and more. Angular’s popularity and robustness make it an excellent choice for building modern and dynamic web applications. With further practice and exploration, you can delve into advanced concepts and features offered by Angular to build even more sophisticated applications.

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8 months ago

Amazing video! You think could you make a 2023 angular complete fundamentals course? To be full updated and to actually make a small application and add some backend as well? ! I would definitely buy it!

Jason Davis
8 months ago

how did you get it so that javascript "toUpperCase()" is suggested as you're writing in an html file?

Jospen Wolongwo
8 months ago

Hello everyone just started the tutorial and i realized that when i create the component it doesn't export the header components.Please can someone help?

8 months ago

At 1:01:33 You get json file. Does angular automatically convert it to javascript object? Don't you need JSON.parse or something like that to convert json to usable thing?

Huzaifa Khilawala
8 months ago


8 months ago

Hi Brad, Do you have any tutorials in RXJS, pipe(), switchmap(), map() etc.. for angular

andy z
8 months ago

so good, thank you very much!

Men Among the Ruins
8 months ago

knowing nest.js and bit of blade experience really helped me understand this alot better

Men Among the Ruins
8 months ago


8 months ago

First hour went great and pretty straight forward, but the next half hour has taken me forever (by forever I mean between two-three hours lol). Mostly just a tad overwhelmed with a surplus of new information I'm trying my best to absorb, but I'll get it soon enough!

Урош Томић
8 months ago

Too bad you didn't cover the testing part. That would have been nice.

Sl Ace
8 months ago

i got stuck it wont show the tasks when i use this command:this.taskService.getTasks().subscribe((tasks) => {

this.tasks = tasks;

Steven Lantz
8 months ago

excellent! so clear and easy to follow, i am a 30 year IT professional and 18 year .NET developer and needed to look at this for new versions of my company's applications. Great first step and now that i see how the architecture is structured it is much less confusing than the first attempt made at understanding it. I am subscribed and can't wait to watch the other videos.

8 months ago

Pretty cool course. Thank you very much!

8 months ago

FYI, I believe if you highlight the word (double click) with VS Code and hit the quotes key, it won't delete the word and will add both opening and closing quotes.

8 months ago

The quality and robustness of your tutorial videos is always appreciated.

khan printers
8 months ago

thank u very much sir

Nisar Ahamed
8 months ago


Girish Balanagu
8 months ago

Thanks for amazing crash course video. I kind of revisit when ever I do have doubt on your videos to get some idea how it needs to implement. Kind of rewind concepts when it is urgent. Thank you so much Brad for amazing content ❤

8 months ago

Excellent video. Thanks!