
Achieve Effortless Authentication with Next.js 14: Secure Login using Auth.js & Drizzle ORM

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Effortless Auth in Next.js 14: Use Auth.js & Drizzle ORM for Secure Login

With the release of Next.js 14, it has become even easier to implement secure authentication in your web applications. The new version comes with built-in support for Effortless Auth, which allows you to use the Auth.js library along with the Drizzle ORM for seamless and secure user authentication.

Using Auth.js, you can easily set up a secure login system for your Next.js application. The library provides a simple API for handling user authentication, including functions for user signup, login, logout, and password recovery. It also includes support for social login with popular providers such as Google, Facebook, and GitHub.

When it comes to storing user data and managing authentication, Drizzle ORM is a powerful and flexible solution. It provides an easy way to define and query your data models, and it seamlessly integrates with Next.js 14’s Effortless Auth system. With Drizzle ORM, you can easily manage user accounts, store user credentials securely, and handle user authentication in a way that is both efficient and secure.

Implementing Effortless Auth with Auth.js and Drizzle ORM is straightforward. You can start by installing the necessary packages using npm:

npm install @authjs/core
npm install @authjs/next
npm install @authjs/drizzle

Once you have installed the required packages, you can set up your authentication system by following the documentation provided by Auth.js and Drizzle ORM. The process involves creating a configuration file for Auth.js and defining your user model in Drizzle ORM, and then integrating the two libraries for a streamlined authentication experience.

With Effortless Auth in Next.js 14, you can offer your users a secure and convenient login experience, without having to worry about the complexities of implementing authentication from scratch. By leveraging Auth.js and Drizzle ORM, you can focus on building the core functionality of your application, knowing that the authentication aspect is taken care of.

Whether you are building a simple blog, an e-commerce platform, or a complex web application, Effortless Auth in Next.js 14 can help you deliver a secure and seamless user experience. By using Auth.js and Drizzle ORM, you can ensure that your users’ data is protected and that they can access your application with confidence.

If you are looking to implement secure authentication in your Next.js 14 application, consider using Effortless Auth with Auth.js and Drizzle ORM. With these powerful libraries at your disposal, you can streamline the authentication process and focus on delivering the best possible user experience. Give it a try and see how Effortless Auth can elevate your Next.js application to the next level.

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Diego Cabrera
7 months ago

I am currently trying to update my website to have some special content for certain users. I think this is the route i'll be taking for my authentication. Thanks for the amazing explanation.

Coffee Addict
7 months ago

This helped me so much. Thanks!

Trey Rader
7 months ago


Hugo Santos
7 months ago

Thanks for sharing.

7 months ago

Damn. You lost me at the first 1 minute mark.

7 months ago

yeah… now do the same with custom provider (you get JWT token from external api)…. 😁😁

Wojciech Lechowicz
7 months ago

This is the Auth.js docs we all needed 😅

7 months ago

I have used drizzle and authjs drizzledapter for a while, but please make a video how to use custom credentials login with drizzle

Merveille van Eck
7 months ago

this was disgustingly well done…recently went through the same steps and after rethinking my mental models i have to say this stack is looking pretty damn good. thanks for the brilliant video!

Andrew Iglinski
7 months ago

When the f-ck did v14 come out? I still have two apps in v13 still in active development lol.

7 months ago

Thanks Sam!

[Disclaimer] I can't fully watch till after work.

But right off the bat I'm wondering if this method has left you woth limited deployment options?

I remember toying with NextAuth <=> OpenNext via SST a while back. It had hefty complexity to get working and was quite finicky thereafter.

Is this deployable only to vercel in your experience?