
Acquiring an OpenAI API Key: A Step-by-Step Guide

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How to get OpenAI API key

How to get OpenAI API key

If you want to use the OpenAI API to access their powerful artificial intelligence models, you will need to first sign up for an API key. Follow these steps to get your API key:

  1. Go to the OpenAI website at https://openai.com
  2. Click on the “Sign up” or “Create account” button to create a new account
  3. Fill out the required information to create your account, including your name, email address, and a password
  4. Verify your email address by clicking on the link sent to your inbox
  5. Once you have verified your email, log in to your OpenAI account
  6. Go to the API section of the website
  7. Click on the button to generate a new API key
  8. Copy your API key and store it in a safe place

Now that you have your API key, you can start using the OpenAI API to access their models and integrate them into your applications. Remember to keep your API key secure and not share it with anyone else.

For more information on how to use the OpenAI API and their models, you can refer to the documentation provided on their website.

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1 month ago

Are they still giving the free trial?