
Add items to cart using React Context API on a Django ReactJS multivendor ecommerce website with REST API #43

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Add to cart|React Context API|Multivendor Ecommerce Website Django ReactJs|REST API #43

Welcome to Multivendor Ecommerce Website!

In this article, we will discuss how to implement the “Add to cart” feature using React Context API in a multivendor Ecommerce website built with Django and ReactJs, and how to handle the functionality with REST API #43.

React Context API

The React Context API allows you to pass data through the component tree. This can be useful for passing global state data such as user authentication, theme, or shopping cart information throughout your application without having to explicitly pass props down through each level of the tree.

Multivendor Ecommerce Website

A multivendor Ecommerce website is a platform where multiple vendors can sell their products to customers. Building a multivendor platform involves creating a robust system for product management, order processing, and payment handling for multiple sellers.

Django and ReactJs

Django is a high-level Python web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. ReactJs is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. By combining the two, you can create a powerful and flexible Ecommerce platform with a robust backend and a responsive frontend.


REST API #43 is the API endpoint that handles the communication between the frontend and backend of the Ecommerce website. It allows the frontend to make requests to add products to the cart, update the cart, and retrieve cart information from the server.


By leveraging the React Context API, building a multivendor Ecommerce website with Django and ReactJs, and utilizing REST API #43, you can create a feature-rich and efficient online marketplace that provides a seamless shopping experience for both vendors and customers.

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Abbasali Rezaei
7 months ago

you are the best

Riddhiman Ghosh
7 months ago

I need a help.
When the cartData list is empty the error is showing
"cannot read properties of null"