
Adding Auth0 Authentication to an Angular App

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Authentication in Angular App with Auth0

Authentication in Angular App with Auth0

Authentication is a critical aspect of any web application, and Angular provides developers with the tools they need to implement secure authentication. One popular authentication service that integrates well with Angular is Auth0. In this article, we will discuss how to use Auth0 for authentication in an Angular app.

Setting up Auth0

The first step is to create an account with Auth0 and set up an application. Once you have created an application, you will be given a Client ID and Client Secret, which you will need to use in your Angular app.

Installing the Auth0 SDK

To use Auth0 in your Angular app, you will need to install the Auth0 SDK. You can do this using npm:

npm install @auth0/angular-jwt

Configuring the Auth0 SDK

After installing the Auth0 SDK, you will need to configure it in your Angular app. This can typically be done in the app.module.ts file:

import { JwtModule } from '@auth0/angular-jwt';

export function tokenGetter() {
return localStorage.getItem('access_token');

imports: [
config: {
tokenGetter: tokenGetter,
allowedDomains: ['example.com'],
disallowedRoutes: ['example.com/unauthorized'],

Implementing Login and Logout

With the Auth0 SDK configured, you can now implement login and logout functionality in your Angular app. This typically involves creating a login component and using the Auth0 SDK to handle the authentication process.

Securing Routes

Once you have implemented login and logout functionality, you can use the Auth0 SDK to secure specific routes in your Angular app. This can be done by adding guards to the routes that you want to protect, ensuring that only authenticated users can access certain parts of your app.


Auth0 is a powerful and easy-to-use authentication service that integrates seamlessly with Angular. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can implement secure authentication in your Angular app using Auth0.

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Sameeh Amjad
10 months ago

thank you,
But I can't set Application Type to "Single Page Application"

Arnab Basu
10 months ago

Hi.. Very helpful video. Can you make a part 2 where you will use jwt also to authenticate the other endpoints..

Thank you

10 months ago

just what i needed thanks ! 😀

10 months ago

how can we get and store the token in localStorage ?

mahdi andalib
10 months ago

plz make more videos and create full web apps using angular

Shruthi Natte
10 months ago

Hi, I am not able to open localhost:4200. Can you please help?

10 months ago

very useful and up to date. Thank you!