Adding images to an Angular 14 project: A Step-by-Step Guide

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How to add image in angular 14 project

How to add image in angular 14 project

Adding images to your Angular 14 project is a straightforward process. Here’s how you can do it:

Step 1: Place the image in the assets folder

First, you’ll need to place the image you want to use in your project’s assets folder. This is typically located in the src folder of your project. If you don’t have an assets folder, you can create one and place your image inside it.

Step 2: Use the img tag in your HTML file

Once you have placed the image in the assets folder, you can then use the img tag in your HTML file to display the image. Here’s an example of how to do this:

        <img src="assets/image.jpg" alt="Image description">

In the above code, replace “image.jpg” with the actual file name of your image and “Image description” with a brief description of the image. The “alt” attribute is used to provide alternative text for the image, which is important for accessibility purposes.

Step 3: Serve the project

Finally, you’ll need to serve your Angular 14 project in order to see the image in action. You can do this by running the following command in your project’s root directory:

        ng serve --open

Once the project is served, you should be able to see the image displayed in your browser.


Adding images to your Angular 14 project is a simple process that can greatly enhance the visual appeal of your project. By following the above steps, you can easily add images to your project and make it more engaging for your users.

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Steve McQueen
7 months ago

You could have done so much more with this video mate – show us how to use variables for the image path, show us how to resize the image. It doesn't have any useful information.

Karthick Murugan
7 months ago

thank you

sandhiya suresh
7 months ago

useful. thank you.