Adding Pagination Functionality (Load More Button) to a Next.js Blog [part 13]

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Implementing Pagination in a Next.js Blog [part 13]

Implementing Pagination in a Next.js Blog [part 13]

Welcome to part 13 of our series on implementing pagination in a Next.js blog. Today, we’re going to look at how to add a “Load More” button to our blog to load more posts as the user scrolls down the page.

Step 1: Create a Load More Button Component

First, let’s create a new component for the “Load More” button. We’ll call this component LoadMoreButton.js. Here’s what the code might look like:

<button onClick={loadMorePosts}>Load More</button>

In this code, loadMorePosts is a function that we’ll define in our main blog component to load more posts from the server.

Step 2: Implement the Load More Functionality

Next, let’s implement the loadMorePosts function in our main blog component. This function will make a request to the server for more posts and append them to the existing list of posts on the page. Here’s an example of how we might do this:

const loadMorePosts = async () => {
  const newPosts = await fetchMorePosts();
  setPosts([...posts, ...newPosts]);

In this code, fetchMorePosts is a function that makes a request to the server for more posts, and setPosts is a function provided by React that we can use to update the list of posts being displayed on the page.

Step 3: Style the Load More Button

Finally, let’s add some styling to our LoadMoreButton.js component to make it look nice. You can use CSS to style the button however you like, but here’s a basic example to get you started:

button {
  padding: 10px 20px;
  background-color: #007bff;
  color: #fff;
  border: none;
  border-radius: 5px;
  cursor: pointer;

And that’s it! With these three steps, you should now have a “Load More” button on your Next.js blog that allows users to load more posts as they scroll down the page.

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6 months ago

Thank you for this video, it really did clarify for me how pagination works and showed a clever way to do it.

6 months ago

How would I update the post list in the case of the server components of the new version of nextjs?

6 months ago

Need video of Popular post widget in next js 🙏🙏

6 months ago

Very excellent and helpful video❤ Thanks mam

6 months ago

thanks a lot for this video but I have one question if you fetch first data with getStaticProps() and you change it with useState() I think this approach will affect SEO because when you view the source page no friendly SEO approach…

6 months ago

my pageinfo side keeps telling me page info is not defined

6 months ago

Thanks so much for this great series. I've completed almost everything. But I've stuck in this episode. I get a server error (500) after clicking the Load More Posts button. I don't know why. Other fetch requests are handles well. But this one has stopped me for 2 days. I've tried everything and it never gets resolved.