“Adding Text to Your Python Tkinter GUI: A Quick Tutorial” | #python #tkinter #programmingtutorial

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Adding Text to your GUI in Python Tkinter

Adding Text to your GUI in Python Tkinter

Python Tkinter is a popular library for creating graphical user interfaces (GUIs) in Python. One of the key elements of a GUI is the ability to display text to the user. In this article, we will explore how to add text to your GUI in Python Tkinter.

Using the Label Widget

The simplest way to add text to your GUI in Python Tkinter is by using the Label widget. The Label widget allows you to display text on the screen in a specific position within your GUI.

Here’s an example of how to create a simple GUI with a piece of text using the Label widget:

import tkinter as tk

root = tk.Tk()
label = tk.Label(root, text=”Hello, World!”)


In this example, we create a new Tkinter window using the tk.Tk() method. Then, we create a Label widget with the text “Hello, World!” and add it to the window using the pack() method.

Adding Text to Buttons and Entry Fields

In addition to using the Label widget, you can also add text to other types of widgets in Python Tkinter, such as buttons and entry fields. Here’s an example of how to create a simple GUI with a button and an entry field, each containing text:

import tkinter as tk

def on_button_click():
entry_text = entry.get()
label.config(text=”You clicked the button and entered: ” + entry_text)

root = tk.Tk()

entry = tk.Entry(root)

button = tk.Button(root, text=”Click me”, command=on_button_click)

label = tk.Label(root, text=””)


In this example, we create an entry field, a button, and a label. When the button is clicked, the text from the entry field is retrieved and displayed on the label.


Adding text to your GUI in Python Tkinter is a simple and essential part of creating a user-friendly interface. With the Label widget and other text-displaying features in Tkinter, you can easily enhance the usability and clarity of your GUI applications.