Adding the runtime-env npm library to Vite projects

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Integrate runtime-env npm library in Vite projects

Integrate runtime-env npm library in Vite projects

If you are working on a Vite project and need to manage environment variables, integrating the runtime-env npm library is a great option. This library allows you to easily set and access environment variables at runtime, making it easier to manage different environment configurations.

Step 1: Install the runtime-env library

To get started, you will need to install the runtime-env library from npm. You can do this by running the following command in your terminal:

npm install runtime-env

Step 2: Import and configure the library

Once the library is installed, you can import it into your Vite project and configure it to access your environment variables. In your main entry file, such as main.js, you can import the library and configure it with your environment variables:

import runtimeEnv from ‘runtime-env’;

const env = runtimeEnv();

Step 3: Set environment variables

With the runtime-env library imported and configured, you can now set your environment variables using the .env file in your Vite project. Simply create a .env file in the root of your project and define your environment variables:


Step 4: Access environment variables

Finally, you can access your environment variables throughout your Vite project by using the env object that was created when configuring the runtime-env library. For example:

const apiUrl = env.API_URL;
const isDebug = env.DEBUG;


Integrating the runtime-env npm library in your Vite projects is a simple and effective way to manage environment variables. By following the above steps, you can easily set and access environment variables at runtime, making it easier to work with different environment configurations.