
Advanced Angular API Development with Full Stack Spring Boot 3

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Full Stack Spring Boot 3 API with Angular (ADVANCED)

Full Stack Spring Boot 3 API with Angular (ADVANCED)


In the world of web development, creating a full stack application is becoming increasingly popular. Full stack
refers to the combination of front-end and back-end development, where both the client-side and server-side are
implemented by a single developer or team. One popular technology stack for building full stack applications is
Spring Boot for the back-end and Angular for the front-end. This article will explore an advanced approach to
creating a full stack application using Spring Boot 3 API with Angular.

Spring Boot 3 API

Spring Boot is a powerful Java-based framework that simplifies the process of creating stand-alone, production-grade
Spring-based applications. Spring Boot 3 is the latest version of this framework, offering various enhancements
and new features. It provides built-in support for RESTful APIs, making it an excellent choice for building the
back-end of a full stack application. With Spring Boot, developers can easily create APIs to handle data
manipulation, authentication, and other server-side operations.


Angular is a popular front-end framework developed by Google. It allows developers to build dynamic and responsive
web applications using TypeScript, a statically-typed superset of JavaScript. Angular follows the component-based
architecture, making it easy to organize UI elements into reusable components. It also provides various features
like data binding, dependency injection, and routing, greatly simplifying the development process.

Combining Spring Boot 3 API with Angular

Integrating Spring Boot 3 API with Angular involves creating separate projects for the front-end and back-end,
and then connecting them via RESTful API calls. The front-end project is built using Angular, while the back-end
project is developed using Spring Boot 3. The Angular project consumes the API endpoints exposed by the Spring
Boot 3 application to perform CRUD operations, authentication, and other functionality.

Benefits of Full Stack Spring Boot 3 API with Angular

  • Separation of concerns: The front-end and back-end are decoupled, enabling developers to focus on their
    respective areas of expertise.
  • Reusability: Angular components can be reused across different projects, reducing development time and effort.
  • Scalability: With the use of microservices in Spring Boot, the application can be easily scaled to handle
    increased loads and concurrent users.
  • Performance: Angular’s built-in features like lazy loading and ahead-of-time compilation optimize the
    application’s performance.
  • Enhanced user experience: Angular’s rich UI components provide a seamless and interactive user interface.


Building a full stack application using Spring Boot 3 API with Angular offers a powerful and efficient solution
for creating modern web applications. The combination of Spring Boot’s robust back-end capabilities and Angular’s
dynamic front-end framework can result in a highly scalable and responsive application. With the separation of
concerns, reusability, and performance optimizations provided by this stack, developers can rapidly build
feature-rich applications that provide an enhanced user experience.

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jos bexerr
8 months ago

hi junior excellent course you will have an activated coupon to buy the course

seaum siddiqui
8 months ago

really amazing the way you are teaching everything in this course but 100$ for the purchase is like 11K+ which is a lot for me as a student. Do you have any other course similar to this? or if i just do the 5hr part is it still going to be beneficial?
Thank You

Silviu IT
8 months ago

The frontEnd project is in the full course?

I'm a beginner in Angular and i wanted to take a look into.

Michaela Aminata Konneh
8 months ago

Hi Junior, thank you for tutorial I have been following up your tutorial but error: Error starting ApplicationContext. To display the condition evaluation report re-run your application with 'debug' enabled.

2023-10-28T15:45:19.699-07:00 ERROR 8184 — [ main] o.s.boot.SpringApplication : Application run failed so please help to solve this problem

thank you

Vladimir Pandurov
8 months ago

For what level of experience is this course recommended? On a scale from junior to senior, what level of skills will a developer gain after completing this paid course?

pasa nada
8 months ago

Can you please give us a link for all the resources that you mentioned i can't get the full schema script the MD file and drawio file please ?

8 months ago

Requesting for a discount please

Henazeri Boutique
8 months ago

Sad to say but 100 $ very very expensive. what a pain 😔😔

Dev Team MM
8 months ago

please the source code

Mohamad Hachem
8 months ago

Hey man, I love your channel it is truly amazing work! I wanted to enroll in the course but 100$ is hight for me. I saw many people here are actually really interested in your course as they see the value of your work; however, most of the people interested seems like they are students or out of jobs. I think a really good business decision would actually be is to lower your price 19.99$ I know it is way lower than the original price but you will be getting for sure way more people enrolled me included. People who buys one course will buy from you again once the value from the first appeared… with the current prices in the market I truly believe you should go to that route. If you want more info tell me and best of luck man!! @GetArrays

Un citoyen concerné
8 months ago

Amazing 🎉, can you put the whole course (spring boot, angular, docker, spring security…) on UDEMY please please please ? ❤😢

Soufiane ER RAOUDI
8 months ago

where can I find the resources ?

Mohammed Benabdallah
8 months ago

Thanks Junior, but i have a question. This is responsive web app?

Ysac Pebes
8 months ago

Hello friend, could you make a login implementing jwt Oauth2?

8 months ago

Why is the title is spring boot 3 but you use spring boot 2.7.2 in spring initializer.
Edited: Oh i see you updated it, anyway thank you for your hard work.

Mpumuro Patrick
8 months ago

Hello i have tried to go through this video but I was stack with SQL error can you please help me

Executing SQL script in server

ERROR: Error 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'VISIBLE,

INDEX `fk_UserRoles_Roles1_idx` (`role_id` ASC) VISIBLE,

CONSTRAINT' at line 9

SQL Code:

— —————————————————–

— Table `crm001`.`UserRoles`

— —————————————————–

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `crm001`.`UserRoles` (


`user_id` BIGINT NOT NULL,

`role_id` BIGINT NOT NULL,


INDEX `fk_UserRoles_Users_idx` (`user_id` ASC) VISIBLE,

INDEX `fk_UserRoles_Roles1_idx` (`role_id` ASC) VISIBLE,

CONSTRAINT `fk_UserRoles_Users`

FOREIGN KEY (`user_id`)

REFERENCES `crm001`.`Users` (`Id`)



CONSTRAINT `fk_UserRoles_Roles1`

FOREIGN KEY (`role_id`)

REFERENCES `crm001`.`Roles` (`Id`)




SQL script execution finished: statements: 7 succeeded, 1 failed

Fetching back view definitions in final form.

Nothing to fetch

Full M.
8 months ago

Hi Junior, your courses are really amazing. I had subscribed three of your courses in Udemy.
I waited this course since last year, when you sent your notification about this new course you were doing.
I am really sad you can't decrease the price of your course, 100€ is too high for me. 😢

8 months ago

Will this course be available on Udemy?

Mpumuro Patrick
8 months ago

thank you for an amazing resource but for the beginners help us to get the full course for free we will pay for the next. Thanks for understanding my wish

mumtaz chhina
8 months ago

Hi, Junior. The course is too much expensive for me. But I really need it to polish my skills. As for now, I have no job so I could give you 20 dollars. could you please provide me with access? God will bless you 🙏🙏🙏