Advanced Python Testing using Mocks

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Professional Python Testing with Mocks

Professional Python Testing with Mocks

When it comes to testing your Python code, one of the most important tools in your arsenal is the use of mocks. Mocks allow you to simulate the behavior of objects or functions in your code, making it easier to isolate and test specific components of your application.

One popular library for creating mocks in Python is unittest.mock. This library provides a simple and intuitive API for creating mock objects and controlling their behavior in your tests.

Why Use Mocks?

There are several reasons why mocks are an important part of professional Python testing:

  • Mocks allow you to isolate and test specific components of your code without relying on external dependencies.
  • Mocks make it easier to simulate edge cases and error conditions that may be difficult to reproduce in a real-world environment.
  • Mocks can help you speed up your test suite by reducing the need for complex setup and teardown procedures.

Example Usage

Let’s say you have a function that relies on an external API to retrieve data:

        import requests

        def get_data():
            response = requests.get('')
            return response.json()

In order to test this function without actually making a request to the API, you can use a mock object to simulate the behavior of the requests.get function. Here’s how you can do it using unittest.mock:

        from unittest.mock import patch

        def test_get_data():
            with patch('requests.get') as mock_get:
                mock_get.return_value.json.return_value = {'foo': 'bar'}
                data = get_data()
                assert data == {'foo': 'bar'}

By using mocks in your tests, you can ensure that your code is working as expected without the need for complex setup or external dependencies. This can help you write more reliable and maintainable code, leading to a more robust and error-free application.

Overall, professional Python testing with mocks is an essential skill for any developer looking to build high-quality software. By using mocks effectively in your tests, you can easily isolate and test specific components of your code, leading to more reliable and robust applications.

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3 months ago

That was sensational, feeling 🏋️‍♀️🏋️‍♀️

3 months ago

English is my second language and the explainings are so clear that I understood everything in this tutorial. Very well explained and examplified. Thank you so much.

3 months ago

Also, to test error conditions it's great to use mocks on the dependencies

3 months ago

Very well explained. Please come up with more such videos and examples. Thanks .

3 months ago

What is MagicMock? Can you show small demo with it?

3 months ago

That was quite confusing.

3 months ago

Very good. I would like to see more videos about mocks but using magic mock

3 months ago

the explanation from beginning is awesome mahn! Very concise

3 months ago

that wasn't good example to teach mock 👎

3 months ago

such great explanation. thank you

3 months ago

This is now my GO TO channel for python. Absolutely top class tutorials!

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3 months ago

Most people don't use mocks and they just hope that the database or the internet or whatever other service works during the test run phase. A good use case is when there is expected to get a reponse from the user like in the input() function, the test would just wait until someone input some data and press enter. Mocking the input() function allows the test to run uninterrupted.

3 months ago

A little chaotic and the examples were very well done.

3 months ago

This channel is underrated AF!

3 months ago

That assertEqual, for the first example using requests, is bad code. Testing that the value used in the mock is the value returned from the mocked call is nonsensical. Equivalent to testing that 1 == 1. Useless tests are worse than no tests.

3 months ago


3 months ago

Very well explained. Thanks.