After Russia invaded, Ukrainian civilians escalated their resistance, says 60 Minutes

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Ukrainian civilian resistance fighters have stepped up their efforts in the face of Russia’s invasion, with 60 Minutes documenting their brave and inspiring actions.

The invasion of Ukraine by Russian forces has sparked widespread resistance among the Ukrainian people, with civilians taking up arms to defend their homeland. In a recent episode of the iconic news program 60 Minutes, correspondents highlighted the courage and determination of these civilian fighters.

The episode featured interviews with Ukrainian civilians who have joined the resistance efforts, as well as footage of their training and operations. Viewers were given a firsthand look at the passion and resolve of these individuals, who are fighting against overwhelming odds to protect their country.

One of the key points emphasized in the episode was the diverse backgrounds of the civilian fighters. Men and women, young and old, from various professions and walks of life have all banded together to form a formidable resistance force. Their commitment to defending Ukraine’s sovereignty and freedom is truly admirable.

The 60 Minutes episode also shed light on the challenges faced by the civilian fighters, including shortages of weapons and supplies. Despite these obstacles, their determination to stand up to the Russian invasion remains unwavering.

The spotlight on Ukrainian civilian resistance fighters by 60 Minutes serves to raise awareness of their plight and the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. It also brings attention to the bravery and sacrifice of these individuals, who are putting their lives on the line for the greater good.

In addition to highlighting the civilian resistance, the 60 Minutes episode also delved into the broader geopolitical implications of the conflict, as well as the impact on the lives of ordinary Ukrainians. By providing a comprehensive view of the situation, the program offers valuable insights into the complexities of the crisis.

The coverage of Ukrainian civilian resistance fighters by 60 Minutes has helped to humanize the conflict and put a spotlight on the individuals at the forefront of the resistance. Their stories are a powerful reminder of the resilience and spirit of the Ukrainian people in the face of adversity.

As the situation in Ukraine continues to unfold, the bravery and determination of the civilian resistance fighters will undoubtedly play a crucial role in shaping the outcome of the conflict. Their unwavering commitment to defending their country serves as a testament to the unbreakable spirit of the Ukrainian people.

Overall, 60 Minutes’ coverage of Ukrainian civilian resistance fighters offers a compelling and insightful look at the human side of the conflict, highlighting the courage and resilience of those who refuse to back down in the face of adversity. This episode serves as a powerful reminder of the indomitable spirit of the human will and the innate desire for freedom and self-determination.

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9 months ago

5:50 my heart goes to them, but as you see their faces are veiled just like the Palestinian fighters, & they are called "The Resistance" just as we call the Palestinian fighters "The Resistance"

9 months ago

Where is our French

9 months ago

Western countries should pressure Ukraine leadership to make peace with Russia. You can't have peace through the barrel of the guns… Poor Ukrainians you have been misled by western promise of democracy and freedom when none of these slogans are practiced in western countries..

9 months ago

And the west complains about “War Fatigue”. These people are suffering everyday, and we must continue the support.

As an ex republican, if the candidate doesn’t support Ukraine, I won’t support that candidate.

9 months ago

Still lost.

9 months ago

It's over stop sending people into the meat grinder

9 months ago

An inconvenient fact is Ukrainian has not fielded an adequate army to fight the Russians…. 6 million fighting age men in Ukraine… and they've only fielded an army of 200k.. with an average age of 43. Sure, on paper it's larger with Civil Defense and Reserves… but only 200k active fighters. When Russia invaded, the young did NOT rush to enlist, an estimated 200k fighting age men fled to neighboring countries. In fact, Ukraine will not draft anyone 25 and YOUNGER, and getting draft waivers is a common practice. Compare Ukraine's actions to the US, draft age was 18, and 17 to enlist… and after Pearl Harbor, elistment lines were around the block.. The money we send to Ukraine pays for beauracrats salaries and retirement benefits, and corruption. Ukraine is not a Democracy… I dont question the bravery of those that chose to fight, but it's Company level forces facing Batallion level forces and Ukraine is unable or unwilling to raise a force of sufficient size to win. Why? Don't buy into the drivel the media and politicians are peddling. At the end of the day, the Russians will prevail, the US will be broker, and the Ukrainian people will blame the US. PS the European Union has not fulfilled their financial commitment to Ukraine… duh, no surprise there!

9 months ago

EU why you stop help this people. Crazy

9 months ago

Ruscist bots, trolls, and symps in these comments are pathetic. "The truth will out." The truth IS out!

9 months ago

First 60 seconds has POLITICAL PROPAGANDA. WOKE!

9 months ago

As an independent voter who is registered as a Republican.
In my county.
I will not vote for any. Republican who does not support ukraine! I also Also live in a battleground state.

9 months ago

Propaganda Machine

9 months ago

This is just Propaganda

9 months ago

European version of Hamas

9 months ago


9 months ago

60 minutes is part of the fake news media and has lost its credibility if they ever had one, Ukraine is losing big time, i mean big, big time and the US fake news media is the only in the whole world that continue saying they are winning and the fact of the matter is that Ukrainian soldiers are getting obliterated.

9 months ago

The Russian genocide of a European country makes a mockery of democracies around the world.

9 months ago

Anyone who doesn't support the Ukrainians' struggle for freedom is a waste of air. I can't believe anyone in the United States would not understand liberty. Stop being a coward.

9 months ago

I support the Ukrainians in their fight but that doesn’t mean governments aren’t corrupt why has there been no accounting of how and where hundreds of billions of Americans taxpayers dollars have went to? No one knows, convince me the politicians in Ukraine and America aren’t getting rich. 60 minutes doesn’t mention the corrupt governments

9 months ago

Why don't they enlist in the Ukrainian army? This army is in lacking of human blood. And they would receive wonder weapons from the US.