
AI coding assistants have leveled up once more.

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AI Coding Assistants Just Leveled Up, Again…

AI Coding Assistants Just Leveled Up, Again…

Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to revolutionize the way developers write code, and the latest advancements in AI coding assistants have taken this technology to new heights.

These AI coding assistants are designed to help developers write code more efficiently and accurately by providing intelligent suggestions and automating repetitive tasks. They use machine learning to understand patterns in code and offer recommendations based on best practices and previous coding experiences.

One of the most exciting developments in AI coding assistants is the integration of natural language processing (NLP) technology. This allows developers to simply describe what they want to achieve in plain English, and the AI coding assistant will generate the code for them. This simplifies the coding process and makes it more accessible to individuals with less experience in programming.

AI coding assistants are also becoming more proficient at understanding complex code bases and providing accurate suggestions for refactoring and optimization. They can identify potential bugs and security vulnerabilities, helping developers to write more reliable and secure code.

Furthermore, AI coding assistants are now able to collaborate with multiple developers simultaneously, providing real-time feedback and suggestions as code is being written. This enhances the efficiency and accuracy of coding teams, leading to faster development cycles and higher-quality software products.

As the capabilities of AI coding assistants continue to improve, it is clear that they will play an increasingly important role in the future of software development. These tools are empowering developers to write better code in less time, ultimately leading to better software products and a more productive development process.

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6 months ago

And I am all 1,000,000,000% for it.

I’ve worked with developers and all of these 40 years of opus skating, being a bottleneck is all coming to an end

6 months ago

Generating code has never been a problem, maintaining code is the real problem.

6 months ago

Hold on to your butts and make sure you have plenty of money invested in companies who are gonna benefit from AI my fellow tech bros!

6 months ago

Tbh this is crazy

6 months ago

Mmmm…euthenasia pods… Gargling sounds

6 months ago

4:40 WHAT the hell is this movie called? I wanna watch that.

6 months ago

Currently, there is no AI for jetbrains.

There is jetbrains assistant but it's bombed with very negative reviews and it will delete your code and replace it with something really stupid.
Then there's copilot, which is also not worth it either. It has awful suggestions, does not interpret the context of your own code very well, and a lot of the good features are locked behind the "waitlist", but even if you get selected, I've been seeing nothing but complaints, bugs, and negative feedback about copilot chat for jetbrains. Copilot is amazing for VS, but it's trash for jetbrains.

6 months ago

Sooooo… stay optimistic if you are one of the top 5'000 computer programmers?*

6 months ago

Very assuring 😂

6 months ago

AI code is only useful to good software engineers, cause you have to know when it spits out garbage code and hiu avoid wasting 2 hours debugging.

6 months ago

Even if AI can get so good I can give it, say, a detailed description of a game engine in plain English and it can spit out 100% working code right out the box, I'm still going to need to know how that thing is put together the moment I go back to try and maintain it, or further adapt it to needs. Heck, I'm going to still need to understand the theory behind how game engines work to be able to tell the thing accurately what to do.

What I really like about AI code generators is that it means I can write million line programs on my own, just as a crane provides a way to lift tonnes without a team of men.

6 months ago

"There are no programmers in 5 years" my ass. If the only thing AI can do is regurgitate stuff without understanding why , then it's not gonna replace programmers. Maybe it will replace stackoverflow, but that's about it.

6 months ago

The Junior title will change, or there won't be any juniors in IT companies

6 months ago

teh video sounds dumb abnd sensationalist. might be waste of time, I have to find another

6 months ago

I would be happy as a programmer, more tools to improve my workflow

6 months ago

Terminators will replace us all🤐🍻

6 months ago

@fireship pretty sure you have a claim against:
Pretty sure it's an AI generated ripoff of this video.

6 months ago

“AI will not occupy people’s jobs…” – sucks

6 months ago

I had a teach once that told me not to bother learning to code since everything will be point and click 'in 5 years'. 5 years later I make nearly 200k/year programming. Now 'in 5 years' coders will be replaced by AI. I don't think so. Not because of a pattern, but because I just don't think large companies will ever fully trust AI to create and deliver code that serves as the lifeblood of the company. Your future AI might introduce – through a series of bad decisions – a problem that it won't necessarily be able to resolve in a reasonable amount of time in a way that make business sense. A team of humans will always be resolve such an issue – so you need a team of humans in the loop. Humans are the guarantee that your company wont fold because you can't figure out how to stand your servers back up.

6 months ago

input output that's it